最近临床上时常碰到一些异邦病东谈主,雇主看到了时常先让咱们去和老社交流,初步查验会诊。碰到这种情况时常有点不安稳,固然英语学了那么多年,但是你也 知谈咱国东谈主的 白话水平也就那么一趟事,尤其是一些专科方面的东西不晓得如何确凿抒发,影响了查验与会诊。不外想想其实也就那么些套路和 常用句型,多看多背一样很快能提高临床白话,下次碰到老外病东谈主就不会满是恩恩啊啊了。我先贴一些口腔临床常用的语句,每个科其实皆有很大的不同,但愿公共积极跟贴,写出你们给老外看病时的常用句型或教学,终末一齐汇总!He has pain in his teeth or jaw. (他的牙齒和下巴疼痛。) He has some problems with his teeth. (他牙齒有問題。) The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. (他咬東西時,牙齒就痛。) His gums are red and swollen. (他的牙根紅腫。) His tongue is red and sore all over. (他的舌頭到處紅和痛。) His breath smells bad and he has a foul taste in his mouth. (他口裡有怪味。) His gums do bleed. (他牙根有出血。) He has some sore swellings on his gum or jaw. (他的牙根和下巴腫痛。) He has sore places on or around the lip. (他的嘴唇和周圍皆很痛。) There are cracks at the corners of his mouth. (他的嘴巴边缘破了。) There are some discolored areas inside on his tongue. (他舌頭裡邊有些地方顏色怪怪的。) My tooth is aching again.(我的牙又疼了。)One of my teeth is trouble me.(我有一颗牙疼。)I have got anawful toothach .It kept me awake the whole night.(我得牙很疼,整晚皆睡不着觉。)One of my incisors is loose and aching.(我的一颗门牙松动而且疼。)This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to heat and hot.(下颌的这颗牙对冷热很敏锐。)I think one of the back ones at the top is giving most of trouble.(我合计上排有一个后牙疼的最厉害。)I suffer pain when my teeth are exposed to heat.(我的牙碰到热时感到疼痛。)There are several painful spots in my mouth,and salty and sour things make it sting.(我嘴里有几块地方疼,咸的和酸的皆蜇着疼。)I have a burning and thickening sensation in my mouth.(我嘴里有灼热和增厚的嗅觉。)可以,楼主费劲了!楼主是口腔科医师吧?有莫得其他科的英文啊?可以每次发一个科的我有时刻也会匡助你的~"疼痛"小结:burning pain 灼痛 bursting pain 胀痛chest pain 胸痛 colicky/gripping pain 绞痛dragging pain 牵引痛 dull pain 钝痛hunger pain 饥饿痛 night pain 夜间痛postprandial pain 餐后痛 radiating pain 放射痛root pain 神经根痛 stabbing/sharp pain 刺痛wandering pain 游走痛 labour pain 分娩痛severe/acute/great pain 剧痛1. What can do for you?你有什么事?2.May I help you?我能帮你什么忙?8.Please take a seat!please sit down!请坐下.4.Wait a moment, please.请等一等.5.Sorry to have kept you waiting.抱歉让你久等了.6.It is not serious.病情不严重.7.Don't worry.There is nothing to worry about.无谓畏俱。8.You need a thorough examination.你需要作念一个全面查验.9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.你需要在病院里住几夭.We think that you had better be hospitalized咱们认为你最佳住进病院来。10. You should stay in bed for a few days.你需要卧床几天.11. You can keep on working.You can carry on with your work.可以不绝职责。12. You should be very careful for a week or two这一两周内,你需要很闪耀。13. Try to relax and keep calm.尽量收缩保持闲静。14. You'll soon be all right.你很快就会好起来的.15. 1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.这药对你敬佩会很灵验的.16. Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid.恐怕痊可将是一个很慢的经过.17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes.你需要等20分钟.18.Complete recovery will take a rather long time.彻底回应需要一段很长的时刻。19. You will have to come here for periodical check-ups.你需要依期来门诊查验.20. If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic right away.如果你觉着病加剧了,就请惟恐来门诊。呵呵。。。我也来参与,公共勤恳哦。。。。flyknife_lee wrote:可以,楼主费劲了!楼主是口腔科医师吧?有莫得其他科的英文啊?可以每次发一个科的我有时刻也会匡助你的~我底本发的是口腔临床常用英语,斑竹为了扩大交流层面,疏远我不单赔本口腔鸿沟!其实每个科的辞别很大,公共还是总结一些比拟有共性的语句吧!楼上的就很好!这本书也可以 (缩略图,点击图片领悟看原图)赞助楼主!!!!总结一下顾问健康景色的方法(固然比拟简便,但是可以使公共职责中白话不那么呆板~):1.How are you,sir?2.Are you all right,madam?3.How are you feeling now,madam?4.What seems to be your problem,sir?5.What seems to be wrong/the matter with you?6.Is there anything wrong with you?7.What's happened to you?8.What's your complaint?9.What's up?10.What are you suffering from?11.How is your son doing?12.Are you having any discomfort?13.What seems to be your trouble?/What's troubling you?14.What hurt you?15.What ails you?16.How are you keeping?斑竹看下还能再加一分吗?呵呵多谢赐教~公共不绝ya!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll临床篇 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll注明:这些词汇非我原作,可以说是永久在网上蕴蓄的贵寓!楼主的帖子很可以!也在此借用搂主的帖子孝敬极少资源吧!望公共继续的补充才是!====================================================== 126条医学、照顾术语'1 Introduction to Trauma Care 创伤照顾导论2 Patterns of Blunt Injury 钝器损害的类型3 Mechanisms of Injury/Penetrating Trauma 损害发病机制/穿透性创伤4 The Physiologic Response to Injury 对损害的生理学响应5 Shock 休克6 Measurements of Injury Severity 损害严重进程的测定7 Prehospital Triage 送病院前伤员分类8 Prehospital Therapy 送病院前的诊治9 Field Teams:Composition,Direction, and Communication with the Trauma Center 现场救护队:组成,指导,与创伤中心的估量10 Air Medical and Interhospital Transport 空中医疗和病院间转运11 Trauma Team Activation 创伤救护队的行为12 Organization prior to Trauma Patient Arrival 创伤病东谈主到达前的组织13 Adult Trauma Resuscitation 成东谈主创伤复苏14 Airway Management in the Trauma Patient 创伤病东谈主的气谈处理15 Vascular Access 血管穿刺16 Imaging of Trauma Patients 创伤病东谈主的影像17 Documentation,Coding and Compliance,and EMTALA 文献,律例,依据和EMTALA18 Operating Room Practice 手术室常现19 Head Injury 头损害20 Injuries to the Spinal Cord and Spinal Column 脊髓和脊柱损害21 Soft Tissue Wounds of the Face 面部软组织伤22 Bony Oral-Maxillofacial Injuries 口一上颌面骨损害23 Ophthalmic Injuries 眼损害24 Penetrating Neck Injury 穿透性颈损害25 Blunt Neck Injury 颈部钝器损害26 Thoracic Injury 胸部损害26 Thoracic Vascular Injury 胸部血管损害27 Abdominal Injury 腹部损害28 Abdominal Vascular Injury 腹部血管损害29 Damage Control 损害的控制30 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 腹部隔室空洞征31 Genitourinary Injuries 泌尿生殖系统损害32 Orthopedic Injuries 矫形外科损害33 Pelvic Fractures 骨盆骨折34 Hand Trauma 手创伤35 Compartment Syndrome and Rhabdomyolysis 隔室空洞征和横纹肌熔解36 Peripheral Vascular Injuries 周围血管损害37 Soft-Tissue Trauma 软组织创伤38 Priorities in the ICU Care of the Adult Trauma Patient 在ICU照顾的成东谈主创伤病东谈主的优先名目 39 Commonly Missed Injuries and Pitfalls 常遗漏的损害和易犯的诞妄40 Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient 创伤病东谈主的麻醉41 Trauma Pain Management 创伤疼痛的处理42 Hypothermia, Cold Injury, and Drowning 低温、冷损害和淹溺43 Blood Transfusion and Complications 输血和并发症44 Nutrition/Metabolism in the Trauma Patient 创伤病东谈主的养分/代谢45 Support of the Organ Donor 器官供体的退换46 Burns/Inhalation 烧伤/吸入47 Pediatric Trauma 儿科创伤48 Care of the Pregnant Trauma Patient 妊娠创伤病东谈主的照顾49 Geriatric Trauma 老年东谈主创伤50 Rehabilitation 康复51 Venous Thromboembolism 静脉血栓栓塞52 Injury Prevention 损害的防卫53 House Staff Responsibilities 入院医师的包袱54 Legal, Ethical and Family Issues 法律、伦理谈德和家庭问题55 Miscellaneous Procedures 多样其它操作形态56 oral health education activity口腔健康培植行为57 Oral Health Education Unit [Department of Health]口腔健康培植组58 oral poliomyelitis trivalent 脊灰口服剂59 oral toilet 口腔料理60 oral-maxillofacial surgery and dental unit口腔颌面外科及牙科部61 outbreak岑岭期;发作;流行62 outbreak control疫症控制;暴病控制63 outcome management project 医疗生效不竭霸术64 out-of-pocket expenditure by the user服务使用者自付65 out-patient appointment system门诊病东谈主预约轨制66 out-patient clinic门诊诊疗所67 out-patient clinical operations support system门诊临床运作赞助系统68 out-patient consultation service门诊服务69 out-patient department门诊部70 out-patient registration system门诊病东谈主登记轨制71 outreach community care programme外展小区照顾霸术72 outreach health care team外展医护队73 outreach medical team外展医疗队74 outreach specialist medical team外展专科医疗队75 outside appointment book出外就医册76 ordinary diet普通膳食77 organ donation器官捐赠78 Organ Donation Card器官捐赠证79 Organ Donation Centre器官捐赠中心80 organ donation form 器官捐赠表格81 Organ Donation Register [Hong Kong Medical Association] 器官捐赠册82 organ donor 器官捐赠东谈主83 organ imaging器官造影84 organ pledge 承诺捐出的器官数量85 organ recipient器官受赠东谈主86 organ transplant器官移植87 organic psychosis器质性精神病88 organoleptic inspection感官查验89 overall incidence总发病率90 overflow ward暂时收留病房;后备病房91 overnight room夜间当值室92 over-sensitivity过敏93 ovulation排卵94 ovulation cycle排卵周期95 ovulation method安全期避孕法96 on-call duty doctor候召当值医师97 oncology肿瘤学;肿瘤科98 one-way referral单向转介99 onset of labour分娩阵痛发作100 onset of symptom症状发作101 on-site triage treatment现场分流诊治102 occupational disease行状病103 occupational health 行状健康104 occupational health nurse行状健康照料105 Occupational Health Officer 行状健康科医师106 Occupational Hygienist行状环境?生师107 occupational mortality行状性圆寂率108 occupational neurosis行状性精神病109 occupational therapist行状诊治师110 Occupational Therapists Board行状诊治师不竭委员会111 occupational therapy assessment room行状诊治评估室112 Occupational Therapy Assistant行状诊治助理员113 ochlophobia 众怯生生114 ocular pathology眼科病理学115 ocular prosthesis假眼116 optimal health联想的健康景色117 optimum occupancy rate [hospital bed]最限度病?住用率118 optometric assessment眼光测验119 Operations and Training Division [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters]行动及锻练部〔医疗辅助队总部〕120 Operations and Training Officer [Auxiliary Medical Service] 行动及锻练主任〔医疗辅助队〕121 Operations Section [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters] 行动组〔医疗辅助队总部〕123 Operations Wing [Auxiliary Medical Service volunteer structure]行动翼〔医疗辅助队志愿架构〕124 operative treatment 施手术125 oral health care口腔健康照顾;口腔卫生服务126 oral health clinic口腔卫生诊疗所================================================================= 128个照顾会诊NANDA通过的以东谈主类响应型态(Human ResPonse Patterns)的分类方法。现将东谈主类响应型态分类方法的128个照顾会诊分列如下: (1)交换(Exchanging)养分失调:高于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition:More Than Body Requirements)养分失调:低于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition: less Than Body Requirements)养分失调:潜在高于机体需要量(Altered Nutrition:Potential for More Than Body Requirements)有感染的危急(Risk for Infection)有体温编削的危急(Risk for Altered Body Temperature)体温过低(Hypothermia)体温过高(Hyperthermia)体温救援无效(Ineffective Thermoregulatlon)反射失调(Dysre flexia)便秘(Constipation)感知性便秘(Perceived Consttipation)结肠性便秘(Colonic Constipation)泻肚(Diarrhea)大便失禁(Bowel Inconttinence)排尿很是(Altered Urinary Elimination)压迫性尿失禁(Sires Incontlnence)反射性尿失禁(Reflex Incontlnence)急迫性尿失禁(Unge Incontlnence)功能性尿失禁(Functional Incontlnence)统统性尿失禁(Total Incontlnencd尿储留(Urinary Retentron)组织防护量编削(肾、脑、心肺、胃肠、周围血管)(Altered TissuePerfuslorl( Renal, Cereral, Cardlopulmonary Gastrolntestlnal,Peripheral)体液过多(Fluid Volume Excess)体液不足(Fluid Volume Deficit)体液不足的危急(Risk for Fluid VolUme Deficit)心输出量减少(Deer。a。ed CardlacouPu)气体交换受损(Imnaired Gas Exc5anse)算帐呼吸谈无效(Ineffecthe Airway Clearance)低效性呼吸型态(Ineffective Breathing Pattern)弗成撑持自主呼吸( Inability to Sustain SPontaneous Ventilation)呼吸机依赖( Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning ResPonse,DVWR)有受伤的危急(Risk for Injury)有窒息的危急(Risk for Suffocation)有外伤的危急(Risk for Trauma)有误吸的危急(Risk for Aspiration)自我防护武艺编削(Altered Protection)组织完好性受损(ImPaired Tissue Integrity)口腔粘膜编削(Altered Oral Mucous Membrance)皮肤完好性受损(ImPaired Skin Integrity)有皮肤完好性受损的危急(Risk for ImPaired Skin Integrity)救援颅内压武艺着落( Decreased AdaPtive CaPacityIntracranial)元气心灵困扰(Energy Field distubance) (2)换取(Communicating)语言换取进军(impaired VerbalCommunlcatlon) (3)关系(Relating)社会进军(Impaired Soial Interatlon)社交颓废(Social Isolition)有颓废的危急(Risk for.Lonelines。)脚色紊乱(Altered Role Performance)父母不守法(Altered Parenting)有父母不守法的危急(Risk for Altered Parenting)有父母亲子依恋编削的危急(Risk for Altered Parent/Infant/Child Att8Chffi6llt)性功能进军(Sexual Dysfunction)家庭作用编削(Altered Family Process)照顾者脚色进军(Caresiver Role Strain)有照顾者脚色进军的危急(Risk for Caregiver Role Strain)家庭作用编削:酗酒(Altered Family Process: Alcoholism)父母脚色冲突(Parental Role Conflict)性生活型态编削(Altered SexualityPatterns) (4)赋予价值(Valuing)精神困扰(Spiritual Distress)增进精神健康:潜能性(Potential for Enhance Spiritual Well-Belug) (5)聘请(Choosing)个东谈主搪塞无效(Ineffctive Individual Coping)救援进军(ImPaired Adjustment)防卫性搪塞(Defensive Coping)防卫性否定(Ineffective Denial)家庭搪塞无效:失去武艺( Ineffective Family Coping:Disabling)家庭搪塞无效:息争性 (Ineffectiv Family Coping:Compromised)家庭搪塞:潜能性(Family CoPing: Potential for Growth)社区搪塞:潜能性(Potential for Enhanced Community CoPing)社区搪塞无效(Ineffective Community Coping)遵循诊治决策无效(个东谈主的)(Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen)(Individual)分歧作(特定的)(Noncompliance)(Specitfy)遵循诊治决策无效(家庭的)(Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen: ( (Families)遵循诊治决策无效(社区的)(Ineffective Management of Thera-peutic Regimen: Community)遵循诊治决策灵验(个东谈主的)(Effective Management of Thera-peutic Regimen:Individual)抉择冲突(特定的)(Decisional Conflict)(Specify)寻求健康行动(特定的)(Health Seeking Behaviors)(Specity) (6)行为(Moving)躯体移动进军(ImPaired Physical Mobility)有周围血管神经功能进军的危急(Risk for PeriPheralNeurovas-cular Dysfunction)有围手术期外伤的危急 (Risk for Perloperatlve Positioning Injury)行为无耐力(Activity Intolerance)疲劳(Fatigue)有行为无耐力的危急(Risk for Activity Intolerance)就寝状态紊乱(SleepPattern Disturbance)文娱行为阑珊(Diversional Activity Deficit)持家武艺进军(Impaired Home Maintenance Management)保持健康的武艺编削(Altered Health Maintenance)进食自理罅隙(Feeding Self Care Deficit)吞咽进军(Impaired Swallowing)母乳喂养无效(Ineffective Breast Feeding)母乳喂养中断(Interrunted Breast1ceding)母乳喂养灵验(Effective Breast feeding)婴儿吸吮方式无效(Ineffective Infant Feeding Pattern)沐浴/卫生自理罅隙(Bathing/Hygiene Self Care Deficit)衣着/修饰自理进军(Dressing/Grooming Self Care Deficit)入厕自理罅隙(Toileting Self Care Deficit)滋长发育编削(Altered Growth and Development)环境编削应激空洞征(Relocation Stress Syndrome)有婴幼儿行动紊乱的危急( Risk for Disorganized Infant Behavior)婴幼儿行动紊乱(Disorganized Infant Behavior)增进婴幼儿行动(潜能性)(potential for Disorganized Infant ganlzed Infantkhavlor) (7)感知(Perceiving)自我形象紊乱(Body Imagse Disturbance)自重紊乱(SolfEsteem disturbance)永久自我训斥(Chronic Low Self Esteem)情境性自我训斥(Situational Low Self Esteem)自我认可紊乱(Personal Identity disturbance)感知编削(特定的)(视、听、畅通、味、触、嗅)(Sensory/PerceptualAlterations)(specify)(Visual,Auditory,Kinesthetlc,Gustatory,Tao-tile,Olfactory)单侧嗅觉丧失(Unilateral Neglect)黯然(Honelessness)窝囊为力(Powerlessness) (8)阐明(Knowing)知识阑珊(特定的)(Knowledge Deficit)(Specify)定向力进军(Impaired Environmental Interpretation)突发性毅力莽撞(Acute Confusion)渐进性毅力莽撞(Chronic Confusion)想维经过编削(Altered Thought Processes)牵记力进军(ImPaired Memoryy) (9)嗅觉(Feeling)疼痛(Pain)慢性疼痛(Chronic Pain)功能进军性缅怀(Dysfunctional Crievins)意料性缅怀(AnticiPatory Crieving)有暴力行动的危急:对我方或对他东谈主(Risk for Violence: Self-Directed or drected at Others)有自伤的危急(Risk for Self-Mutilation)创伤后响应(Post-Trauma Response)强奸创伤空洞征(RaPe-Trauma Syndrome)强奸创伤空洞征:复合性响应(Repe-Trauma Syndrome:Compound Reaction)强奸创伤空洞征:千里默性响应( Rape-Trauma Syndrome:Silent)惊惶(Anxiety)怯生生(Fear)============================================================== 妇产科 Abortion 人工流产 Abortion pill 人工流产丸 Amenorrhea 月事失调 Benign Fibroadenoma 良性纤维腺瘤 Breast Biopsy Options 乳房活组织试验的聘请 Breast-feeding 母乳喂哺 Breast Feeding 喂哺母乳 Breast Lump 乳房硬块评估 Caesarean section 剖腹坐褥 Candida Infections 念珠菌发炎 Cause of and Treatment for Infertility 不育的成因与诊治 Cervix : Cancer 子宫颈癌 Cervical Electrocautery 电子宫颈 Common Questions About Pregnancy 孕珠期疑问 Dietary Recommendations for Breast-feeding Women 女性授乳饮食疏远 Dilation & Curettage 刮宫手术 Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding 不正常子宫出血 Ectopic Pregnancy 子宫外孕 Effectiveness of Morning-after Pill 过后避孕丸的功效 Embryonic & Fetal Development 胚胎及胎儿的发展 Endometriosis 子宫内膜异位 Endometriosis 子宫内膜组织异位 Epidural Anesthesia 硬膜外麻醉 Episiothomy 外阴切开术 Estrasorb Approves for Treatment of Menopausal Hot Flashes Estrasorb获批准诊治更年期潮热问题 Galactorrhea (Witches' Milk) 乳溢 Gynecology Common Complaints 常见妇科错误面面不雅 Health Risks In Babies Born After Assisted Reproduction 辅助生养出身的婴儿健康危机 Height Loss 身高缩减 Hormone Replacement Therapy Q & A 荷尔蒙补充诊治问答 Hormones, Female 女性荷尔蒙药 Hysterscopy 子宫镜查验 Infection of the Areolar Glands (Montgomery's Glands) 乳晕腺感染 Infectious: How Pregnant Woman Face SARS? 怀妊妇女应如何濒临非典型肺炎? Infertility 不育的问题 Inversion of The Nipple 乳头凹下 Is it safe Using the Computer during Pregnancy? 孕珠期使用筹备机是否安全? Laparoscopy 腹腔镜手术 Mammography 乳房X光造影查验 Mastitis 乳腺炎 Menopause 更年期 Menopause: Hot Flushes Associated with Menopause - Treatment 如何应付潮热? Menorrhagia 经血过多 Miscarriage 小产 Miscarriage: Warning Signs 先兆小产 Natural Family Planning 当然家庭霸术 New Research on Hormone Replacement Therapy 荷尔蒙补充诊治新进展 Nipple Tissue & Causes of Discharge 乳头分泌与组织 Obstetrics: Common Problems in Early Pregnancy 妊娠初期的常见问题 Obstetrics: Common Problems in Mid-Term Pregnancy 妊娠中期的常见问题 Obstetrics: Common Problems during late Pregnancy 妊娠后期的常见问题 Obstetrics: Common Problems in the Post-Delivery Period 分娩后的常见问题 Optimizing Reproductive Ability-Artificial Insemination促进生养武艺:东谈主工捐精 Optimizing Reproductive Ability-Fertility Drugs 促进生养武艺:排卵药 Optimizing Reproductive Ability-IVF & GIFT 促进生养武艺:东谈主工受孕 Optimizing Reproductive Ability-Surgical Repair 促进生养武艺:外科手术 Ovary: Cancer 卵巢癌 Ovary: Oophorectomy 卵巢切除术 Ovary: Ovarian Cysts 卵巢囊肿 Ovary: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 多囊卵巢空洞症 Ovary: Primary Ovarian Failure 原发性卵巢不足 Ovary: Tumor 卵巢瘤 Paget's Disease of the Nipple 乳头癌变病 Pap Smear: Common Questions About Pap Smear 子宫颈抹片查验常见问题 Postpartum Depression 产后抑郁 Pregnancy: Are Pregnant Women More Susceptible by Hot Weather? 酷热天气会否影响妊妇? Pregnancy in the 40s 年过四十孕珠应知 Pregnancy Dating 孕珠期之筹备 Pregnancy Visits: Doctor Visits Throughout Your Pregnancy 孕珠时间的查验 Premenstrual Syndrome 经前空洞症 Prenatal Care and Tests 产前照顾及查验 Prenatal Tests & Diagnosis 产前查验及会诊 Preventing Cystitis in Women 防卫女性膀胱炎 Rape 强奸 Reproduction & Fertilization 生殖及受孕 Serious Conditions in Early Pregnancy: Bleeding 出血 Serious Conditions in Early Pregnancy: Ectopic Pregnancy 宫外孕 Serious Conditions in Early Pregnancy: Miscarriage 流产 Serious Conditions in Mid Pregnancy: Abruptio Placentae 胎盘过早剥落 Serious Conditions in Mid Pregnancy: Anemia 贫血 Serious Conditions in Mid Pregnancy: Bacterial Vaginosis 细菌性阴谈感染 Serious Conditions in Mid Pregnancy: Gestational Diabetes 妊娠性糖尿病 Serious Conditions in Mid Pregnancy: Incompetent Cervix 子宫颈无力 Serious Conditions in Mid Pregnancy : Placenta Preiva 孕珠中期严重病症之六:胎盘前置 Serious Conditions in Mid Pregnancy: Urinary Tract Infections 尿谈感染 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: Abnormal Presentation 很是先露 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: Amniotic Fluid Disorders 羊水很是 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: High Blood Pressure 高血压 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: Poor Fetal Growth 胎儿成长不足 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: postmaturity 过度练习 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: Preeclampsia and Eclampsia 先兆子痫与子痫 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: Premature Labor 早产 Serious Conditions in Late Pregnancy: Premature Rupture of the Membranes 胎膜过早碎裂 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 常见性病 Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy 性病与孕珠 Sterilization in Woman 女性绝育手术 Studies Showed Hormone Replacement may be Risky? 研究败露荷尔蒙补充疗法风险多? Suction Evacuation 真空招引术 Teenage Pregnancy 芳华期仙女孕珠 Testosterone patch improves sexual function 睪酮补片有助改善女性性功能? The Right Diet for Pregnancy 孕珠时间的正确饮食 Urinary Tract Infection 尿谈发炎 Urinary Tract Infections 尿谈炎抑制练习女性 Uterus Cancer 子宫癌 Uterus: Fibroid 子宫肌瘤 Uterus: Hysterectomy 子宫切除术 Uterus: Hysterectomy 子宫切除手术 Uterus Retroversion 子宫后屈 Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy 孕珠时间的阴谈分泌 Vulvovaginitis 常见的阴谈及外阴发炎=========================================================================== 儿科Abdominal Pain 儿童腹痛 AIDS in Infants 爱滋病 Allergies 过敏症 Allergy Shots 过敏疫苗打针 Alternatives to Dairy Products 奶类产物其它聘请 Anemia 儿童贫血 Autism 自闭症 Baby Birth & Weight 婴儿出身与体重 Baby Development 婴孩成长模式 Bed-Wetting / Enuresis 尿床/遗尿 Birth Marks 胎痣 Bronchiolitis 细支气管炎 Chickenpox 水痘 Child Abuse 暴虐儿童 Children's snacks 儿童零食 Cleft Lip and Palate 裂唇和裂颚 Colic 婴儿绞痛 by 韦基豪医师 Colic 婴儿绞痛 by 罗启晖医师 Congenital Heart Disease in Infants & Children 先天性腹黑病 Congenital Hypothyroidism 先天性甲状腺官能不足 Constipation in Infants 婴儿便秘 Coxsackie Virus & Echovirus Infection 柯萨奇肠谈病毒和Echovirus感染 Croup 格鲁布性喉头炎 Depression in Children 被忽视的儿童抑郁问题 Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病 Diaper Rash 尿布疹 Disability Warning Signs in Child 儿童劣势警号 Down's Syndrome 唐氏空洞症 Dyslexia 难语症 Ear Infection 耳朵感染 Eczema 疹 Febrile Seizure 发热性猝发 Fever in Children 儿童发热 Fifth Disease (Erythema Infectiosum) 第五病(传染性红斑) Flu Shots For Infants 婴儿应收受打针流感疫苗 Gastroenteritis 胃肠炎 Gastro-esophageal Reflux 胃食谈反流症 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease 昆季口病 Headache in Children 儿童头痛问题 Hepatitis in Children 儿童传染病:肝炎 Hernia 疝 Herpes 疱疹 Hirsehsprung Disease 希什斯普隆氏病 How Parents' Emotions and Behavior Affect Kids' Development 父母的心情及行动如何影响儿童之健康成长 How Stress Manifests in Kids 儿童受压力的发达 How to manage children's stress during shooting 如那处理儿童收受疫苗打针时所受压力 Hydrocephalus 脑积水 Hydrocele 阴囊积水 Hypospadias 尿谈下裂 Imperforate Anus 肛门闭锁 Infantile eczema 婴儿湿疹 Infant formulas 婴儿配方奶粉 Infants: Common Problems 育婴学问:婴儿常见的问题及照顾 Infants: Health Maintenance 育婴学问:两岁前的婴儿保健 Infants: Starting Solid Foods 育婴学问:婴孩开动进食固体食物 Infants: Vaccination Time Table 育婴学问:收受疫苗的时刻表 Infants: Weaning off Breast Feeding 育婴学问:协助孩子戒掉母乳 Infectious Disease in Children: Diphtheria 儿童传染病:白喉 Inhalation of Meconium 胎粪吸入空洞症 Intussusception 肠套迭 Jaundice 婴儿黄疸 Keep the Balance Nutrition 保持平衡养分 Lactose Intolerance 不耐乳糖症 Lead Poisoning 铅中毒 Learning Difficulty 学习不毛 Measles 麻疹 Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccines 麻疹、流行性腮腺炎及德国麻疹搀和疫苗 Meckel's Diverticulum 梅克耳氏息室 Mumps 流行性腮腺炎 Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症 Nephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome 腎炎和腎變病綜合症 Nightmare and Nocturnal Awakening 噩梦和惊醒 Obesity 儿童痴肥 Other Less Common Vaccines 其它不常使用的疫苗 Parasites / Worms 寄生虫 Pediatric Asthma 儿童哮喘 Premature Babies 早产的婴儿 Pertussis 百日咳 Pneumonia in Children 儿童肺炎 Pyloric Stenosis 幽门褊狭 Qualifications to look for in a Pediatrician 儿科医师的专科资格 Rheumatic Fever 风干冷 Roseola Infantum 玫瑰疹 Rubella 德国麻疹 Seizures and Epilepsy 猝发和癫痫 Sex education for children 儿童性培植 Sore Throat 咽痛 Spina Bifida 脊柱裂 Stuttering 口吃 Stuttering in Children 儿童口吃问题 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS 婴儿暴毙空洞症状 The controversy of MMR vaccine 麻疹、流行性腮腺炎和德国麻疹搀和疫苗的纰谬 Threadworm 蛲虫 Thrush 鹅口疮 Thumb & Nipple Suck 吮拇指和奶嘴 Tips for Fueling Child's Brain Power 诱发孩子脑部潜能 Toilet Training 大小便锻练 Tonsils: Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids 扁桃腺和腺样增殖体增大 Tuberculosis 结核病 TV Effect on kids 电视对儿童的影响 Undescended Testicle 睪丸未降 Urinary Tract Infections 泌尿谈感染 Vaccine - General Guidelines 疫苗打针的一般指引 Vaccine for Rotavirus 轮状病毒疫苗 Vaccines for Haemophilus Influenza Type B 嗜血杆菌乙类流感疫苗 Vaccines for Poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎疫苗 When Kids Swallow Things: Guidelines For Parents 孩子误吞异物的处理==================================================================== 传染病 AIDS 爱滋病 Anthrax 炭疽病 Anthrax Guideline 炭疽病指引 Antibiotics Beneficial for Treatment of Acute Bronchitis?急性支气管炎一定要服用抗生素? Avian Influenza(Bird Flu)H5N1 H5N1禽流感 Chancroid 软下疳 Chlamydia 沙眼衣原体 Cholera 霍乱 Common Cold 感冒 Common Cold 感冒咳 Control of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) 如何能控制禽流感? Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorhagic Fever 登革热 / 出血性登革热 Diarrhea 泻肚 Drug Resistance Tuberculosis 多重耐药性的结核病 Dysentery 痢疾 Escheria Coli 0157:H7 大肠杆菌O157:H7型 FAQ about Mad Cow Disease 疯牛症常见答问 Fever: (Dr P Chau) 发热 Fever of Unknown Origin 无赫然病因的发热 Flu Vaccine 流感疫苗 Food Poisoning 食物中毒 Food Poisoning 食物中毒 H5N1 流行性感冒/甲型感冒 HPV 疣 Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV 东谈主体免疫力阑珊病毒 Infectious Mononucleosis 传染性单核细胞增多症 Influenza by Dr Archie Lo 流行性感冒 Influenza by Dr Joseph Pang 流行性感冒 Japanese Encephalitis ***脑炎 Mad Cow Disease 疯牛症 Malaria 疟疾 Malaria: Higher risk in Pregnant Women 妇女与疟疾 Meningococcal Meningitis 腦膜炎雙球菌性腦膜炎 Monkeypox 猴天花 Oral Sex Safety 口交,安全吗? Pharyngitis 喉咙发炎 Pneumonia (Dr P Chau) 肺炎 Rabies 狂犬病(又称:疯狗症) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸谈症候群 Sexually Transmitted Disease - Syphilis 性病之一:梅毒 Sexually Transmitted Disease - Gonorrhea 性病之二:淋病 Sexually Transmitted Disease: Herpes Virus 性病之三:疱疹过滤性病毒 Smallpox by Dr Peter Chau 天花 Smallpox by Dr Peter Lo 天花 Smallpox Vaccination 天花疫苗 Tetanus 破感冒感染 Thing you should know about Avian Influenza 禽流感学问应知 Trichomoniasis 阴谈滴虫病 Tuberculosis (T 结核感染 Types of Infections Agents 传染病的原凶 Urinary Tract Infection 尿谈感染 Vaccines for Viral Influenza 病毒性流行性感冒疫苗 Vibrio Parahaemoparalyticus 副霍乱 Worldwide HIV/AIDS Epidemic Affects 38 Million People 全球爱滋病流行影响三千八百万东谈主==================================================================== 骨科 Ankle: Achilles Tendonitis 跟腱炎 Ankle: Ruptured Achilles Tendon 跟腱碎裂 Ankle: Sprain 踝部扭伤 Ankle Fracture 踝部骨折 Ankylosing Spondylitis 要津黏连脊椎炎 Aseptic Necrosis 无菌的骨疽 Back Pain: Approach to Management 如何处理背痛问题 Back Pain: Prevention 防卫背痛 Baker's Cyst 贝勾氏囊 Bones 骨骼的功能 Bone Tumors 骨肿瘤 Bunions 姆趾黏液囊肿大 Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕管空洞症 Colles Fracture 桡骨下端骨折 Compression Fracture of the Vertebrae 脊椎压迫性骨折 Dislocation 脱臼 Dupuytren Contracture 掌挛缩病 Elbow: Golfer's Elbow 高尔夫球肘 Elbow: Tennis Elbow 网球肘 Fibromyalgia 纤维组织肌痛 Flat Foot 扁平足 Foot: Hammer Toe 锤状趾 Foot: Plantar Fasciitis 足底筋膜炎 Foot: Ulcers 脚溃疡 Fracture 骨折 Fracture: Bones in the Foot 脚部骨折 Fracture: Clavicle 锁骨骨折 Fracture Types 骨折的种类 Frozen Shoulder 凝肩 Ganglion 腱鞘囊肿 Hand Fracture 手骨折 Hand: Tenosynoritis 手部腱鞘滑膜炎 Heel Spurs 脚跟骨刺和发炎 Herniated Disk 椎间盆后凸 Hip: Arthritis of the Hip 髋要津炎 Hip and Knee Replacement 髋要津和膝要津置换手术 Hip Fracture 髋部骨折 Infectious Arthritis 感染性要津炎 Joints 要津 Knee: Arthritis 膝要津炎 Knee: Joint Pain 膝要津痛 Knee: Runner's Knee 跑步者膝盖 Knee: Torn Ligaments 膝韧带扯破 Knee: Torn Meniscus Cartilage 半月板软骨扯破 Knee Pain: Injury, Degeneration & Arthritis 劳损、退化与膝盖要津炎 Knee Pain and Shoes 膝要津痛与鞋子 Knee Replacement: Surgery Can Relieve Pain 膝要津置换术:手术舒徐疼痛 Kyphosis 脊柱后弯 Leg Cramps 小腿抽筋 Lumbar Herniated Disc 腰椎盆脱出 Mallet Finger 锤状指 Morton Neuroma 莫耳通氏神经瘤 Muscles 肌肉 Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症 Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性要津炎 Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤 Neck: Wry Neck 颈部僵硬 Osteoarthritis 骨要津炎 (退化性要津炎) Osteomalacia 软骨病 Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎 Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 Paget Disease 柏哲德氏病 Ribs & Cartilage Inflammation 肋与软骨炎 RICE Therapy RICE诊治法 Rotator Cuff Injury 旋转肌边创伤 Sciatica 坐骨神经痛 Scoliosis 脊柱侧凸 Scoliosis 脊柱侧弯 Shin Splints 胫纤维发炎 Shoulder: Dislocation 肩脱位 Shoulder: Rotator Cuff Tear 轴转肌扯破 Shoulder: Tendinitis & Caspulitis 肩部腱炎和囊炎 Spinal Stenosis脊柱褊狭 Swollen Legs, Ankles, or Feet 腿、踝或脚肿胀 Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis and Bursitis 腱炎、腱鞘炎和黏液囊炎 Trigger Finger 弹机状指================================================================== 术前评估Preoperative Assessment术前评估Assessment and Implementation评估实施1.Use Standard Protocol.领受圭臬照顾形态2.Determine if the client has any communication impairment and if the client is mentallycompetent.测定病东谈主存在换取进军,心智是否健全。3.Assess the client's understanding of the intended surgery and anesthesia.评估病东谈主是否了解行将进行的手术及麻醉。4.Obtain a nursing history:获取照顾史A.Condition leading to surgery 需手术的病情B. The need for isolation precautions. 圮绝需要C.Chronic illnesses. 慢性疾病D.Last menstrual period (for female clients in childbearing years). 末次月事(育龄期女性病东谈主)E.Previous hospitalizations. 既往入院史F.Medication history, including prescription and over-the-counter (OTC), and date/time of last doses. 用药史,包括处方与非处方药,末次用药日历/时刻G.Previous experience with surgery and anesthesia.既往手术及麻醉史H.Family history of complications from surgery or anesthesia. 家庭手术或麻醉并发症史I.Allergies to medications or food, including specific questions about natural rubber latex.药物或食物过敏史,包括自然橡胶特种过敏响应J.Physical impairment. 体魄受损情况K.Prostheses and implants (e.g., dentures, hearing aid, pacemaker, internal defibrillator, hip prosthesis)假体和移植(如义齿、助听器、起搏器、除颤器、东谈主工髋要津)L.Smoking, alcohol, and drug use. 抽烟、饮酒和吸毒史M.Occupation 行状5.Assess client's weight, height, and vital signs.评估病东谈主体重、身高和人命体征。6.Assess client's respiratory status, including character and rate of respirations, oxygen saturation, ability to breathe lying flat, and chest x-ray report.评估病东谈主呼吸系统景色,包括呼吸特征与速率,氧填塞度,仰卧呼吸武艺及胸片。7.Assess client's circulatory status, including apical pulse, electrocardiogram (ECG) report, and peripheral pulses.评估病东谈主轮回系统景色,包括心尖搏动、心电图和周围脉搏。8.Determine client's neurological status, including level of consciousness (LOC).测定病东谈主神经学景色,包括神志清楚进程。9.Assess client's musculoskeletal system,including range of motion (ROM) of joints.评估病东谈主肌骨骼系统,包括要津行为度。10.Examine client's skin; identify any breaks in skin integrity and determine level ofhydration.查验病东谈主皮肤,阐明皮肤完好性受损情况,详情水合进程。11.Assess client's emotional status, including level of anxiety, coping ability, and family support.评估病情面绪景色,包括惊惶进程、搪塞武艺和家庭支援。12.Review the results of laboratory tests, including complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes, urinalysis, and other diagnostic tests.审查化验敷陈,包括全血计数、电解质、尿检和其他会诊试验。13.Ask if client has an advanced directive.顾问病东谈主是否得到事前诠释。14.Identify the time of client's last intake of food or drink.阐明病东谈主前次摄食与饮水时刻。15.Use Completion Protocol.领受照顾完成圭臬形态。Evaluation评价1.Review records to determine if necessary information has been assessed.复查记录,详情必需名目是否得到评估。2.Evaluate client's ability to cooperate.评价病东谈主团结武艺。Identify Unexpected Outcomes and Nursing Interventions阐明无意完结与照顾方法Record and Report记录与敷陈1.Using agency format (preoperative checklist), complete all essential information.领受机构表格(术前目次单),填写全部紧要信息。2.Report abnormal laboratory values and other concerns to the surgeon oranesthesiologist.向手术医师或麻醉师敷陈很是化验值过头他问题。=========================================================== 模样学theorem 旨趣,定理methodology 方法论 physiology 生理学 psychiatry 精神病学correlation 彼此关系sensation 嗅觉,知觉 perception 感知,阐明 intuition 知觉ESP 第六感 (Extrasensory Perception) motivate 激励incentive 激励因素 stimulus 刺激(stimulate, stimulation )disorder 紊乱,失调 dysfunction 机能进军dissonance 不和谐,不一致anxiety 惊惶 (anxiousness) depression 憎恨 insomnia 失眠 phobia 怯生生(症) allergy 过敏(症),反感paranoid 偏执的workaholic 职责狂symptom 症状 electroencephalogram 脑电图electrocardiogram 心电图assertive 顽固的hypnotism 催眠术prescribe 开药方antidepressant 抗抑郁药 tranquilizer 闲静药side-effect (+s) 反作用 immune 免疫的,除名的rehabilitation 收复,康复 relapse 旧病复发,老调重弹chronic 慢性的 puberty 芳华发动期 adolescence 芳华期affective 情愫的sane 神智健全的superstition 迷信telepathy 传心术,通灵术apathy 冷酷谊,无好奇瞻仰好奇瞻仰,疏远pathology 病理学,病理,病变 delusion 诱骗,欺瞒disorientation 迷失pervert 使反常/变态 反常/变态者introspection 自省retrospection 回归,反省sublimation 纯化,升华innate 天禀的attribute 属性trait 特征,品性national traits 国民性基因专科英语词汇表A腺苷脱氨酶阑珊症 adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA) 腺病毒 adenovirus Alagille空洞征 Alagille syndrome 等位基因 allele 氨基酸 amino acids 动物模子 animal model 抗体 antibody 凋一火 apoptosis 路-巴空洞征 ataxia-telangiectasia 常染色体显性 autosomal dominant 常染色体 autosome B细菌东谈主工染色体 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) 碱基对 base pair 先天罅隙 birth defect 骨髓移植 bone marrow transplantation BRCA1/BRCA2 C癌 cancer 后选基因 candidate gene 癌 carcinoma cDNA文库 cDNA library 细胞 cell 染色体 chromosome 克隆 cloning 密码 codon 天生的 congenital 重复群 contig 囊性纤维化 cystic fibrosis 细胞遗传图 cytogenetic map D缺失 deletion 脱氧核糖核酸 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus 二倍体 diploid DNA复制 DNA replication DNA测序 DNA sequencing 显性的 dominant 双螺旋 double helix 复制 duplication E电泳 electrophoresis Ellis - van Creveld syndrome 酶 enzyme 外显子 exon F眷属性地中海热 familial Mediterranean fever 荧光原位杂交 fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) 脆性X染色体空洞征 Fragile X syndrome G基因 gene 基因扩增 gene amplification 基因抒发 gene expression 基因图谱 gene mapping 基因库 gene pool 基因诊治 gene therapy 基因迁移 gene transfer 遗传密码 genetic code (ATGC) 遗传顾问 genetic counseling 遗传图 genetic map 遗传符号 genetic marker 遗传病筛查 genetic screening 基因组 genome 基因型 genotype 种系 germ line H单倍体 haploid haploinsufficiency 造血干细胞 hematopoietic stem cell 血友病 hemophilia 杂合子 heterozygous 高度保守序列 highly conserved sequence Hirschsprung病 Hirschsprung's disease 纯合子 homozygous 东谈主工染色体 human artificial chromosome (HAC) 东谈主类基因组霸术 Human Genome Project 东谈主类免疫罅隙病毒 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ 得回性免疫罅隙空洞征 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) huntington跳舞病 Huntington's disease 杂交 hybridization I免疫诊治 immunotherapy 原位杂交 in situ hybridization 秉承的 inherited 插入 insertion 知识产权 intellectual property rights K敲除 knockout L白血病 leukemia 库 library 键、结合 linkage 部位、景色 locus 上风对数评分 LOD score 淋巴细胞 lymphocyte M乖张 malformation 描图 mapping 符号 marker 玄色素瘤 melanoma 孟德尔 Mendel, Johann (Gregor) 孟德尔遗传 Mendelian inheritance 信使RNA messenger RNA (mRNA) [分裂]中期 metaphase 微阵时间 microarray technology 线立体DNA mitochondrial DNA 单体性 monosomy 小鼠模子 mouse model 多发性内分泌瘤病 multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 (MEN1) 突变 mutation N神经纤维瘤病 neurofibromatosis 尼曼-皮克病 Niemann-Pick disease, type C (NPC) non-directiveness RNA印章 Northern blot 核苷酸 nucleotide 神经核 nucleus O寡核苷酸 oligo 癌基因 oncogene Pp53 Parkinson病 Parkinson's disease 专利权 patent 血系/谱系 pedigree 表型 phenotype 物理图谱 physical map 多指乖张/多趾乖张 polydactyly 集结酶链响应 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 多态性 polymorphism 定位克隆 positional cloning 原发性免疫罅隙 primary immunodeficiency 引物 primer 原核 pronucleus 前哨腺癌 prostate cancer 卵白 protein R隐性 recessive 逆转录病毒 retrovirus 核糖核酸 ribonucleic acid (RNA) 核糖体 ribosome risk communication S序列符号位点 sequence-tagged site (STS) 连合免疫罅隙 severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) 性染色体 sex chromosome 伴性的 sex-linked 体细胞 somatic cells DNA印章 Southern blot 光谱核型 spectral karyotype (SKY) 替代 substitution 自裁基因 suicide gene 空洞征 syndromeT时间转让 technology transfer 转基因的 transgenic 易位 translocation 三体型 trisomy 肿瘤遏止基因 tumor suppressor gene V载体 vector W卵白质印章 Western blot Wolfram空洞征 Wolfram syndromeY酵母东谈主工染色体 yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)常用微生物学专科名词词汇表 带英英解释!! active immunity(主动免疫): Immunity acquired through direct stimulation of the immune system by antigen.active transport(主动输送):Transport of molecules against a concentration gradient (from regions of low concentration to regions of high concentration) with the aid of proteins in the cell membrane and energy from ATP.Alcohol fermentation(酒精发酵):is the formation of alcohol from sugar. Yeast, when under anaerobic conditions, convert glucose to pyruvic acid via the glycolysis pathways, then go one step farther, converting pyruvic acid into ethanol, a C-2 compound.aerobe(好氧微生物): A microorganism that lives and grows in the presence of free gaseous oxygen (O2).aflatoxin(黄曲霉毒素): From Aspergillus flavus t, a mycotoxin that typically poisons moldy animal feed and can cause liver cancer in humans and other animals.AIDS(爱滋病): Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome. The complex of signs and symptoms characteristic of the late phase of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Ames test(艾姆氏实验): A method for detecting mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic agents based upon the genetic alteration of nutritionally defective bacteria anabolism(合成代谢): The energy consuming process of incorporating nutrients into protoplasm through biosynthesis.anaerobe(厌氧微生物): A microorganism that grows best, or exclusively, in the absence of oxygen.antibiotic(抗生素):A chemical substance from one microorganism that can inhibit or kill another microbe even in minute amounts.antibody(抗体): A large protein molecule evoked in response to an antigen that interacts specifically with that antigen.antigen(抗原): Any cell, particle, or chemical that induces a specific immune response by B cells or T cells and can stimulate resistance to an infection or a toxin.antigenic determinant(抗原决定基):The precise molecular group of an antigen that defines its specificity and triggers the immune response.antimetabolite(抗代谢物):A substance such as a drug that competes with, substitutes for, or interferes with a normal metabolite.antiseptic(防腐剂):A growth-inhibiting agent used on tissues to prevent infection.antiserum(抗血清):Antibody-rich serum derived from the blood of animals (deliberately immunized against infectious or toxic antigen) or from people who have recovered from specific nfections.antitoxin(抗毒素):Globulin fraction of serum that neutralizesa specific toxin. Also refers to the specific antitoxin antibody itself.arthrospore(节孢子):A fungal spore formed by the septation fragmentation of hyphae.ascospore(子囊):A spore formed within a saclike cell (ascus) of Ascomycota following nuclear fusion and meiosis.asepsis(无菌):A condition free of viable pathogenic microorganisms.autoantibody(自己抗体):An "anti-self antibody having an ffinity for tissue antigens of the subject in which it is formed. autoantigen(自己抗原): Molecules that are inherently part of self but are perceived by the immune system as foreignautoimmune disease(自己免疫疾病):The pathologic condition arising from the production of antibodies against autoantigens. Example: rheumatoid arthritis. Also called autoimmunitybacteriophage(噬菌体):A virus that specifically infects bacteria.bacteriostatic(抑菌):Any process or agent that inhibits bacterial growth.binary fission(二分裂):The formation of two new cells of approximately equal size as the result of parent cell division.B lymphocyte (B cell): A white blood cell that gives rise to plasma cells and antibodies.broad spectrum(广谱): A word to denote drugs that affect many different types of bacteria, both gram-positive and gram-negative.Capsid(衣壳):The protein covering of a virus's nucleic acid core. Capsids exhibit symmetry due to the regular arrangement of subunits called capsomers.capsomer(衣壳粒): A subunit of the virus capsid shaped as a triangle or disc.capsule(荚膜): In bacteria, the loose, gel-like covering or slime made chiefly of simple polysaccharides. This layer is protective and can be associated with virulence.Catabolism(明白代谢):The chemical breakdown of complex compounds into simpler units to be used in cell metabolism.cell-mediated immune(细胞介导免疫): The type of immune responses brought about by T cells, such as cytotoxic, suppressor, and helper effects.chemoautotroph(化能自养菌):An organism that relies upon inorganic chemicals for its energy and carbon dioxide for its carbon. Also called a chemolithotraphchemotaxis(趋化性): The tendency of organisms to move in response to a chemical gradient (toward an attractant or to avoid adverse stimuli).Chemotherapy(化学诊治剂):The use of chemical substances or drugs to treat or prevent disease.Chitin(几丁质):A polysaccharide similar to cellulose in chemical structure. This polymer makes up the homy substance of the exoskeletons of arthropods and certain fungicomplement(补体):In immunology, serum protein components hat act in a definite sequence when set in motion either by an antigen-antibody complex or by factors of the alternative (properdin) pathway.Conldia(分生孢子):Asexual fungal spores shed as free units from the tips of fertile hyphae. Conjugation(接合):In bacteria, the contact between donor and recipient cells associated with the transfer of genetic material such as plasmids. Can involvespecial (sex) pili. Also a form of sexual recombination in ciliated protozoans.Colony(菌落): A macroscopic cluster of cells appearing on a solid medium, each arising from the multiplication of a single cell.Contaminant(沾秽物):An impurity; any undesirable material or organism.Culture(培养物):The visible accumulation of microorganisms in or on a nutrient medium. Also, the propagation of microorganisms with various media. curddifferential medium(辨别培养基): A single substrate that discriminates between groups of microorganisms on the basis of differences in their appearance due to different chemical reactions.differential stain(辨别染色): A technique that utilizes two dyes to distinguish between different microbial groups or cell parts by color reaction.Disinfection(消毒):The destruction of pathogenic nonsporulating microbes or their toxins, usually on inanimate surfaces.ELISA(酶联免疫): Abbreviation for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a very sensitive serological test used to detect antibodies in diseases such as AIDS。endospore(芽孢): A small, dormant, resistant derivative of a bacterial cell that germinates under favorable growth conditions into a vegetative cell. The bacterial genera Bacillus and Clostridiim are typical sporeformers.endotoxin(内毒素): A bacterial intracellular toxin that is not ordinarily released (as is exotoxin). Endotoxin is composed of a phospholipid-polysaccharide complex that is an integral part of gram-negative bacterial cell walls. Endotoxins can cause severe shock and fever.enriched medium(加富培养基): A nutrient medium supplemented with blood, serum, or some growth factor to promote the multiplication of fastidiousmicroorganisms.enveloped virus(包膜病毒):A virus whose nucleocapsid is enclosed by a membrane derived in part from the host cell. It usually contains exposed glycoprotein spikes specific for the virus. essential nutrient(必须养分):Any ingredient such as a certain amino acid, fatty acid, vitamin, or mineral that cannot be formed by an organism and must be supplied in the diet. A growth factor. eucaryotic cell(真核细胞): A cell that differs from a procaryotic cell chiefly by having a nuclear membrane (a well-defined nucleus), membrane-bound subcellular organdies, and mitotic cell division.Exotoxin(外毒素):A toxin (usually protein) that is secreted and acts upon a specific cellular target. Examples: botulin, tetanospasmin, diphtheria toxin, and erythrogenic toxin.Facultative(兼性的):Pertaining to the capacity of microbes to adapt or adjust to variations; not obligate. Example: The presence of oxygen is not obligatory for a facultative anaerobe to grow. Fermentation(发酵):The extraction of energy through anaerobic degradation of substrates into simpler, reduced metabolites. In large industrial processes, fermentation can mean any use of microbial metabolism to manufacture organic chemicals or other products.Flagellum(鞭毛) -- Hair-like structure attached to a cell, used for locomotion in many protists and prokaryotes. The prokaryotic flagellum differs from the eukaryotic flagellum in that the prokaryotic flagellum is a solid unit composed primarily of the protein flagellin, while the eukaryotic flagellum is composed of several protein strands bound by a membrane, and does not contain flagellin. The eukaryotic flagellum is sometimes referred to as an undulipodium.Genotype(表型):The genotype is ultimately responsible for an organism's phototype, or expressed characteristics.Glycolysis(糖酵解):The energy-yielding breakdown (fermentation) of glucose to pyruvic or lactic acid. It is often called anaerobic glycolysis because no molecular oxygen is consumed in the degradation.Gram stain(革兰氏染色):A differential stain for bacteria useful in identification and taxonomy. Gram-positive organisms appear purple from crystal violet-mordant retention; whereas gram-negative organisms appear red after loss of crystal violet and absorbance of the safranin counterstain.Granulocyte(粒细胞):A mature leukocyte that contains noticeabte granules in a Wright stain. Examples: neutrophils, eoainophils, and basophils.growth factor(滋长因子): An organic compound such as a vitamin or amino acid that must be provided in the diet to facilitate growth. An essential nutrient.Halophlle(嗜盐菌): A microbe whose growth is either stimulated by salt or requires a high concentration of salt for growth.H antigen(H-抗原): The flagellar antigen of motile bacteria. H comes from the German word hauch that denotesthe appearance of speading growth on solid.helper T cell(辅助T-细胞):A class of thymus-atimulated lymphocytes that facilitate various immune activities such as assisting B cells and macrophages. Also called a T helper cell.Heterotroph(异养菌): An organism that relies upon organic compounds for its carbon and energy needs.Immunity(免疫):An acquired resistance to an infectious agent due to prior contact with that agent.immunogen(免疫原): Any substance that induces a state of sensitivity or resistance after processing by the immune system of the body.immune system(免疫系统):One of the eleven major body organ systems in vertebrates; defends the internal environment against invading microorganisms and viruses and provides defense against the growth of cancer cells.immunoglobulin(免疫球卵白): The chemical class of proteins to which antibodies belong.Inclusion(内含物): A relatively inert body in the cytoplasm such as storage granules, glycogen, fat, or some other aggregated metabolic product.Infection(感染): The entry, establishment, and multiplication of pathogenic organisms within a host.infectious disease(感染性疾病): The state of damage or toxicity in the body caused by an infectious agent.Inflammation(发炎): A natural, nonspecific response to tissue injury that protects the host from further damage. It stimulates immune reactivity and blocks the spread of an infectious agent.Inoculation(接种): The implantation of microorganisms into or upon culture media.Interferon(扰乱素): Naturally occurring polypeptides produced by fibroblasts and lymphocytes that can block viral replication and regulate a variety of immune reactions.Isolation(分离): The separation of microbial cells by serial dilution or mechanical dispersion on solid media to achieve a clone or pure culture.Latency(阴事): The state of being inactive. Example: a latent virus or latent infection.L form(L-型菌): L-phase variants; wall-less forms of some bacteria that are induced by drugs or chemicals.Lipopolysaccharide(脂多糖,LPS): A molecular complex of lipid and carbohydrate found in the bacterial cell wall. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram-negative bacteria is an endotoxin with generalized pathologic effects such as feverLysis(熔解): The physical rupture or deterioration of a cell. Lysogeny(溶原性): The indefinite persistence of bacteriophage DNA in a host without bringing about the production of virions. A lysogenic cell can revert to a lytic cycle, the process that ends in lysis.lysosome (溶酶体):A cytoplasmic organelle containing lysozyme and other hydrolytic enzymes. lysozyme(溶菌酶): An enzyme that attacks the bonds on bacterial peptidoglycan. It is a natural defense found in tears and saliva.macrophage A while blood cell derived from a monocyte that leaves the circulation and enters tissues. These cells are important in nonspecificmixed culture(搀和培养): A container growing two or more different, known species of microbes.monoclonal antibody(单克隆抗体): An antibody produced by a clone of lymphocytes that respond to a particular antigenic determinant and generate identical antibodies only to that determinant. Monocyte(单核细胞): A large mononuclear leukocyte normally found in the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, and loose connective tissue. This type of cell makes up 3% to 7% of circulating leukocytes.Mutagen(诱变剂):Any agent that induces genetic mutation. Examples: certain chemical substances, ultraviolet,light, radioactivity.Mutation(突变): A permanent inheritable alteration in the DNA sequence or content of a cell. Mycelium(菌丝体): The filamentous mass that makes up a mold. Composed of hyphae.narrow spectrum(窄谱): Denotes drugs that are selective and limited in their effects. For example, they inhibit either gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria, but not both.negative stain(负染色):A staining technique that renders the background opaque or colored and leaves the object unstained so that it is outlined as a colorless area nitrogen fixation(固氮):A process occurring in certain bacteria in which atmospheric Na gas is converted to a form (NH^ usable by plants.Nucleocapsid(核衣壳): In viruses, the close physical combination of the nucleic acid with its protective covering.Nucleoid(拟核):The basophilic nuclear region or nuclear body that contains the bacterial chromosome.Nutrient(养分物资):Any chemical substance that must be provided to a cell for normal metabolism and growth. Macronutrients are required in large amounts, and micronutrients in small amounts.Obligate(专性的): Without alternative; restricted to a particular characteristic. Example: An obligate parasite survives and grows only in a host; an obligate aerobe must have oxygen to grow; an obligate anaerobe is destroyed by oxygen.Parasite(寄生): An organism that lives on or within another organism (the host), from which it obtains nutrients and enjoys protection. The parasite produces some degree of harm in the host indirectly by donation of preformed immune substances (antibodies) produced in the body of another Individual.Pasteurization(巴斯德消毒): Heat treatment of perishable fluids such as milk, fruit juices, or wine to destroy heat-sensitive vegetative cells, followed by rapid chilling to inhibit growth of survivors and germination of spores. It prevents infection and spoilage.Pathogen(病原体):Any agent, usually a virus, bacterium, fungus, protozoan, or helminth, that causes disease.Saprophytes(腐生型) Organisms that obtain their nutrients from decaying plants and animals. Saprophytes are important in recycling organic material.Pathogenidty(致病性):The capacity of microbes to cause disease.Pathology(病原学):The structural and physiological effects of disease on the body.passive transport(被迫扩散)Diffusion across a plasma membrane in which the cell expends no energy.Penicillins(青霉素):A large group of naturally occurring and synthetic antibiotics produced by penicillium mold and active against the cell wall of bacteria.Peptidoglycan(肽聚糖): A network of polysaccharide chains cross-linked by short peptides that forms the rigid part of bacterial cell walls. Gram-negative bacteria have a smaller amount of this rigid structure than do gram-positive bacteria.Plasmids(质粒)Self-replicating, circular DNA molecules found in bacterial cells; often used as vectors in recombinant DNA technology. Small circles of double-stranded DNA found in some bacteria. Plasmids can carry from four to 20 genes. Plasmids are a commonly used vector in recombinant DNA studies.periplasmic space(周质空间):The region between the cell wall and cell membrane of the cell envelopes of gram-negative bacteria.Phage(噬菌体):A bacteriophage; a virus that specifically parasitizes bacteria.Phenotype(表型): The observable characteristics of an organism produced by the interaction between its genetic potential (genotype) and the environment.Photoautotroph(光能自养菌): An organism that utilizes light fails energy and carbon dioxide chiefly for its' carbon needs.Pilus(性丝) Projection from surface of a bacterial cell (F+) that can donate genetic material to another (F-).prokaryote cell(原核细胞): A small, simple cell lacking a true nucleus, a nuclear envelope, and membrane-enclosed organellesprophage(前噬菌体):A lysogenized bacteriophage; a phage that is latently incorporated into the host chromosome instead of undergoing, viral replication and lysis. prophylactic Any device, method, or substance used to prevent disease.Protoplast(原生质体):A bacterial cell whose cell wall is completely kicking and that is vulnerable to osmotic lysis.Pseudohypha(假菌丝):A chain of easily separated, spherical to sausage-shaped yeast cells partitioned by constrictions rather than by septa.Psychrophile(嗜冷菌):A microorganism that thrives at low temperature (0°-20°C), with a temperature optimum of 0°-15°C.respiratory chain(呼吸链):In cellular respiration, a series of electron-carrying molecules that transfers energy-rich electrons and protons to molecular oxygen. In transit, energy is extracted and conserved in the form of ATP.reverse transcriptase(逆转录酶):The enzyme possessed by retroviruses that carries out the reversion of RNA to DNA—a form of reverse transcription.SCP(单细胞卵白):Abbreviation for single-cell protein, a euphemistic expression for microbial protein intended for human and animal consumption..selective media(聘请培养基): Nutrient media designed to favor the growth of certain microbes and to inhibit.Serotyping(血清型):The subdivision of a species or subspecies into an immunologic type, based upon antigenic characteristics.sexual reproduction(有性养殖)A system of reproduction in which two haploid sex cells fuse to produce a diploid zygote.Spheroplast(球形骸): A gram-negative cell whose peptidoglycan, when digested by lysozyme,remains intact but is osmotically vulnerable spike(刺突):A receptor on the surface of certain enveloped viruses that facilitates specific attachment to the host cell.Spirillum(螺菌):A type of bacterial cell with a rigid spiral shape and external flagella.Spirochete(螺旋体):A coiled, spiral-shaped bacterium that has endoflagella and flexes as it moves.Sporangium(孢囊):A fungal cell in which asexual spores are formed by multiple cell cleavage. Sterilization(灭菌):Any process that completely removes or destroys all viable microorganisms, including viruses, from an object or habitat. Material so treated is sterile.Strain(菌株):In microbiology, a set of descendants cloned from a common ancestor that retain the original characteristics. Any deviation from the original is a different strain.subcellular vaccine(亚单元疫苗): A vaccine against isolated microbial antigens rather than against the entire organism.superoxide ion(超氧离子): A toxic radical form oxygen metabolism suppressor T cell(遏止T细胞):A class of T cells that inhibits the actions of B cells and other T cells.temperate phage(随和噬菌体):A bacteriophage that enters into a less virulent state by becoming incorporated into the host genome as a prophage instead of in the vegetative or lytic form that eventually destroys the cell.thermal death point(致死温度):The lowest temperature that achieves sterilization in a given quantity of broth culture upon a 10-minute exposure. Examples:55°C for Escherichia coil. 60°C forMycobaaerium tuberculosis, and 120°C for spores.thermal death time( 热致死时刻):The least time required to kill all cells of a culture at a specified temperature.Therrnophlle(嗜热菌):A microorganism that thrives at a temperature of 50°C or higher.T lymphocyte (T cell):A white blood cell that is processed in the thymus gland and is involved in cell-mediated immunity.Toxoid(类毒素):A toxin that has been rendered nontoxic but is still capable of eliciting the formation of protective antitoxin antibodies; used in vaccines.Transduction(转导):The transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another by means of a bacteriophage vector.Transformation(转动):In microbial genetics, the transfer of genetic material contained in "naked" DNA fragments from a donor cell to a competent recipient cell.Transposon(转座):A DNA segment with an insertion sequence at each end, enabling it to migrate to another plasmid, to the bacterial chromosome, or to a bacteriophage.Vaccine(免疫法):Originally used in reference to inoculation with the cowpox or vaccinia virus to protect against smallpox. In general, the term now pertains to injection of whole microbes (killed or attenuated), toxoids, or parts of microbes as a prevention or cure for disease.Virold(类病毒):An infectious agent that, unlike a virion, lacks a capsid and consists of a closed circular RNA molecule. Although known viroids are all plant pathogens, it is conceivable that animal versions exist.Zygospore(接合孢子):A thick-walled sexual spore produced by the zygomycete fungi. It develops from the union of two hyphae, each bearing nuclei of opposite mating types.实验仪器称呼中英文对照表 仪器华文称呼 仪器英文称呼(缩写) 原子辐照光谱仪 Atomic Emission Spectrometer(AES)电感巧合等离子体辐照光谱仪 Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer(ICP) 直流等离子体辐照光谱仪 Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer(DCP)紫外-可见光分光光度计 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer(UV-Vis) 微波等离子体光谱仪 Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer(MIP)原子罗致光谱仪 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy(AAS)原子荧光光谱仪 Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy(AFS) 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪 FT-IR Spectrometer(FTIR) 傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪 FT-Raman Spectrometer(FTIR-Raman)气相色谱仪 Gas Chromatograph(GC) 高压/效液相色谱仪 High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) 离子色谱仪 Ion Chromatograph 凝胶浸透色谱仪 Gel Permeation Chromatograph(GPC) 体积排阻色谱 Size Exclusion Chromatograph(SEC) X射线荧光光谱仪 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer(XRF) X射线衍射仪 X-Ray Diffractomer(XRD) 同位素X荧光光谱仪 Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer 电子能谱仪 Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 能谱仪 Energy Disperse Spectroscopy(EDS) 质谱仪 Mass Spectrometer(MS) ICP-质谱联用仪 ICP-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用仪 GC-MS 液相色谱-质谱联用仪 LC-MS 核磁共振波谱仪 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer(NMR) 电子顺磁共振波谱仪 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer(ESR) 极谱仪 Polarograph 伏安仪 Voltammerter 自动滴定仪 Automatic Titrator 电导仪 Conductivity Meter pH计 pH Meter 水质分析仪 Water Test Kits 电泳仪 Electrophoresis System 名义科学 Surface Science 电子显微镜 Electro Microscopy 光学显微镜 Optical Microscopy 金相显微镜 Metallurgical Microscopy 扫描探针显微镜 Scanning Probe Microscopy 名义分析仪 Surface Analyzer 无损检测仪 Instrument for Nondestructive Testing 物性分析 Physical Property Analysis 热分析仪 Thermal Analyzer 粘度计 Viscometer 流变仪 Rheometer 粒度分析仪 Particle Size Analyzer 热物感性能测定仪 Thermal Physical Property Tester 电性能测定仪 Electrical Property Tester 光学性能测定仪 Optical Property Tester 机械性能测定仪 Mechanical Property Tester 毁掉性能测定仪 Combustion Property Tester 老化性能测定仪 Aging Property Tester 生物时间分析 Biochemical analysis PCR仪 Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction DNA及卵白质的测序和合成仪 Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein 传感器 Sensors 其他 Other/Miscellaneous 流动分析与经过分析 Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry 气体分析 Gas Analysis 基本物理量测定 Basic Physics 样品处理 Sample Handling 金属/材料元素分析仪 Metal/material elemental analysis 环境身分分析仪 CHN Analysis 发酵罐 Fermenter 生物响应器 Bio-reactor 摇床 Shaker 离神思 Centrifuge 超声落空仪 Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor 超低温雪柜 Ultra-low Temperature Freezer 恒温轮回泵 Constant Temperature Circulator 超滤器 Ultrahigh Purity Filter 冻干机 Freeze Drying Equipment 部分网罗器 Fraction Collector 氨基酸测序仪 Protein Sequencer 氨基酸组身分析仪 Amino Acid Analyzer 多肽合成仪 Peptide synthesizer DNA测序仪 DNA SequencersDNA合成仪 DNA synthesizer紫外不雅察灯 Ultraviolet Lamp分子杂交仪 Hybridization OvenPCR仪 PCR Amplifier化学发光仪 Chemiluminescence Apparatus紫外检测仪 Ultraviolet Detector电泳 Electrophoresis酶标仪 ELIASA CO2培养箱 CO2 Incubators 颠倒显微镜 Inverted Microscope超净职责台 Bechtop 流式细胞仪 Flow Cytometer微生物自动分析系统 Automatic Analyzer for Microbes生化分析仪 Biochemical Analyzer血气分析仪 Blood-gas Analyzer电解质分析仪 Electrolytic Analyzer尿液分析仪 Urine Analyzer临床药物浓度仪 Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration血球计数器 Hematocyte Counter澳洲病院常用术语缩写from:>AB-antibioticsABG-arterial blood gasATO-alert & orientatedAFO-ankle-foot orthosispt-patientPAC-pressure area carePCA-Patient-controlled AnalgesisObs-observationBO-bowel openedBNO-Bowel not openedcont-continueDDA-dangrous drug administrationPS-pain scaleSS-sedation scalemed-medicationTed stocking -Anti-embolism stockings SOB-short of breathSOOB-set out of bedRIB-rest in bedI/O-input/outputBSL-blood sugar levelBGL-blood glucose levelFBC-fluid balance chartFWD-full ward dietMO-medical officerGP-general practitionerAPS-acute pain serviceSE-side effectMob-mobilityT.D.S-tidD/C-dischargerehab-rehabilitationNKDA-nil known drug allergiesNeb-nebulizerMOW-meel on wheelsRTW-return to wardCMP machine-continous passive motion machiveCPAP-continous positive airway pressureGA-general anaesthesiaIDC-indwelling catherIVT-I.V infusionjelco留置针 bung-肝素帽TKP-total knee replacementTHR-Total hip replacementbabyfish76补充:ABD: abdomenADL: activity of daily livingAF: artial fibrillation/ atrial flutterASAP: as soon as possibleAPPT: APPOINTMENTAXR: ABDOMINAL X-RAYBA: BOWEL ACTIONBx: BIOPSYCa: CARCINOMACABG: CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFTCAVG: CORONARY ARTERY VENOUS GRAFTCBD: COMMON BILE DUCTCCF: CONGESTIVE CARDIAC FAILURECHOL: CHOLESTEROLCNS: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEMC/O: COMPLAIN OFCOAD: CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAYS DISEASECPR: CARDIO-PULMONARY RESUSCITATIONC&S: CULTURE AND SENSITIVITYCVA: CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENTCXR: CHEST X-RAYDU: DUODENAL ULCERDVT: DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSISDx: DIAGNOSISECHO: ECHOCARDIOGRAMgrace11补充:OP osteoporosisLAP laparoscopyTET--TOX tetanus toxoid HT hypertentionLIH left inquinia herniaAWD alcohol withdraw NFO no further oozeSL slighylyBX biopsyTurp, MI, APO,CHF,CCF,OA, RA,MRSA,GTN,CAD,GIT,DVT,PE,NG tube,ICP,GCS,TPN等等简称皆很容易查到。用heparin诊治的病东谈主要监测aptt,用warfarin诊治的病东谈主要监测INR.这些公共以自后到临床,皆时常要作念得啦!伤寒cold pathogenic disease①感受寒邪引起的外感热病的统称。②泛指外感热病。 温病epidemic febrile disease感受温邪引起的外感热病的统称。 新感温病newly acquired epidemic febrile disease感邪即发的温病。 伏邪温病epidemic febrile disease caused by incubating pathogens感受病邪后,伏藏于里,逾期而发的温病。 瘟疫epidemic infectious disease感受夭厉之气,变成流行性急性传染病的统称。 时令病seasonal diseases感受外邪所致的季节性疾病。 外感热病heat disease感受温热邪气引起的以发热为主要发达的疾病。 感冒common cold以发热恶寒,头身疼痛,鼻塞流涕,喉痒咳嗽为主要发达的疾病。 时行感冒influenza由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸谈传染病,即流行性感冒。 外感高热exogenous high fever感受时行疫毒引起的以高热不退,烦渴身热,便秘,尿黄为主要发达的疾病。 风温 wind-warm syndrome感受风热病邪引起的温病。 春温 spring warm syndrome发生于春季的温病。 暑温fever disease in summer感受暑热病邪引起的发病急骤的温病。 暑厥 syncope due to summerheat暑温出现眩晕或算作逆冷者。 中暑heat stroke and sunstroke感受暑邪引起的以高热汗出或肤燥无汗,飘动,口渴,神昏抽搐,或呕恶腹痛为主要发达的疾病。 伤暑sunstroke中暑之轻者。 疰夏summer unacclimation以夏日疲倦嗜卧,低热,纳差为主要发达的疾病。 湿温damp fever感受干冷病邪引起的温病。 湿阻 damp obstruction以纳呆、脘闷、腹胀、头重、疲倦为主要发达的疾病。 秋燥 autumn-dryness disease秋季感受燥邪引起的温病。 冬温 warm disease in winter冬季感受温热病邪引起的温病。 大头瘟 fever with a swollen head感受风热时毒,以头面焮赤肿痛为主要发达的的急性外感热病。 烂喉丹痧scarlet fever感受时疫引起的,以咽喉肿痛胡闹91 探花,肌肤丹痧密布为主要发达的急性外感热病。 疟疾 malaria由疟原虫寄生在东谈主体引起的91 探花,以来往寒热,休作有时,反复发作,日久胁下有痞块为主要发达的疾病。 瘴疟 malignant malaria感受烟岚瘴毒引起的疟疾。 久疟 chronic malaria发作日久不愈之疟疾。 霍乱 cholera由霍乱弧菌引起的烈性传染病。 痢疾 dysentery由痢疾杆菌引起的,以腹痛泻肚,里急后重,大便下脓血为主要发达的疾病。 休息痢recurrent dysentery永久反复发作的痢疾。 疫毒痢fulminant dysentery以发病急骤,高热,飘动口渴,腹痛剧烈,大便脓血,甚或神昏抽搐,肢厥为主要发达的重度痢疾。 暴痢 fulminant dysentery因饮食不洁引起,以骤起发病,高热为主要发达的痢疾。 鼠疫 plague由鼠疫杆菌引起的的烈性传染病。 狂犬病 rabies疯犬咬伤后引起的,以飘动,怕风,恐水,畏光,痉挛抽搐,终致瘫痪而危及人命为主要发达的疾病。 炭疽 anthrax由炭疽杆菌所致的东谈主畜共患急性传染病,以皮肤溃烂、焦痂过头周围水肿,偶可见肺、肠、脑病变及毒邪流注为主要发达的疾病。 麻风 leprosy感受麻风病毒引起的,以遍身麻痹,皮肤见红斑紫癜,形若蛇皮,脱屑等为主要发达的疾病。 梅毒 syphilis感染梅毒螺旋体引起的,以阴部胡闹,外发皮疹,筋骨疼痛,皮肤起核而溃烂,模样拘束为主要发达的疾病。 杨梅疮syphilitic skin lesion以皮肤红斑脱屑、丘疹结节等为主要发达的梅毒。 花柳病venereal toxic gonorrhea以排尿不毛,尿频尿痛,茎端流出米泔样浊物为主要发达的梅毒。 咳嗽[病]cough[disease]以咳嗽、咯痰为主要发达的疾病。 外感咳嗽exogenous cough六淫之邪犯肺引起的咳嗽。 内伤咳嗽endogenous cough肺气朽迈或他脏累肺引起的咳嗽。 暴咳 sudden cough以倏地发作剧烈咳嗽为主要发达的疾病。 肺痿 atrophic lung disease以胸憋气短、咯吐浊唾涎沫为主要发达的疾病。 肺痈 abscess of lung以骤起发热,咳嗽,胸痛,咯腥臭脓血痰为主要发达的疾病。 哮病asthma又称哮喘。以发作性喉中哮鸣有声,呼吸不毛,甚则喘气不得仰卧为主要发达的疾病。 喘病 dyspnea因久患肺系疾病或他脏病变影响,致肺气上逆肃降无权,以气短喘促为主要发达的疾病。Word Building (构词法) 东谈主体主要器官前缀(Prefixes for major organs of the body)称呼 通用名 前缀 常用描写词 示例心 heart cardio- cardial cardium / carditis / cardiology脑 brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum / encephalitis / encephalology肺 lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmonitis / pulmonectomy / pulmonology肝 liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis / hepatobiliary / hepatology胃 stomach gastro- gastric gastritis / gastrointestinal / gastrology胆 gallbladder chole- biliary cholecystitis / cholinergic / cholecystectomy肠 intestine entero- intestinal enteritis / enterectomy / enterology /脾 spleen spleno- splenic splenitis / splenectomy / splenology胰 pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis / pancreatectomy / pancreatopathy肾 kidney nephro- renal /nephric nephritis / nephropathy / nephrology医、护、药、研究、时间、实验系列专科职称 (Professional titles in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, research, technology and experiment series)医士 Assistant doctor 护工 Orderly入院医师 Resident 照料 Nurse; nurse aide入院总医师 Chief resident 护师 Nurse practitioner主治医师 Attending doctor 主管护师 Nurse-in-charge / visiting doctor / doctor-in-charge副主任医师 Associate senior doctor 副主任护师 Associate senior nurse主任医师 Full senior doctor 主任护师 Full senior nurse药士 Assistant pharmacist 技士 Technician药师 Pharmacist 技师 Technologist主管药师 Pharmacist-in-charge 主管技师 Technologist-in-charge副主任药师 Associate senior pharmacist 副主任技师 Associate senior technologist主任药师 Full senior pharmacist 主任技师 Full senior technologist研究实习员 Research assistant 实验员 Laboratory technician助理研究员 Research associate 助理实验师 Assistant experimentalist / assistant research fellow副研究员 Associate research fellow 实验师 Experimentalist研究员 Research fellow 高等实验师 Senior experimentalist 语结构句型佳句1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项拜访,每年有4,000,000东谈主死于与抽烟相关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的拜访败露极度多的孩子对家庭功课没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 莫得一项发明像互联网一样同期受到如斯多的赞赏和月旦。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 东谈主们似乎忽视了培植不应该跟着毕业而扫尾这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的东谈主开动毅力到培植弗成跟着毕业而扫尾。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. 说到培植,大部分东谈主认为其是一个毕生的学习。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多大家指出体育教育径直有助于体魄健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采用允洽的方法赔本异邦旅游者的数量,勤恳保护当地环境和历史不受外洋旅游业的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的大家信赖外侨对城市的建设起到积极作用。关联词,越来越多的城市住户却怀疑这种说法,他们怀恨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像积恶和卖淫。 10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers. 许多市民怀恨城市的公交车太少,致使于他们要花很万古刻等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客。 11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 无可否定,空气沾污是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采用有劲方法来搞定它。 12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement. 一项拜访败露妇女接待退休。 12a. A proper part-time job does not occupy students' too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 一份允洽的业余职责并不会占用学生太多的时刻,事实上,把全部的时刻皆用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只职责,不玩耍,明智的孩子会变傻。 14. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price. 任何政府忽视这极少皆将付出高大的代价。 15.Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately, for most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus. 刻下,一提到行将开动的学校生活,许多学生皆会津津隽永。关联词,对多数年青东谈主来说,校园刚开动的日子并不是什么得意的经历。 16. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. 斟酌到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采用灵验的方法。 17. The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets. 大部分学生信赖业余职责会使他们有更多契机发展东谈主际来往武艺,而这对他们异日找职责瑕瑜常有平允的。 18. It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure. 据理力图,当今有数见不鲜的东谈主仍过着挨冻受饿的悲凉生活。 19. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place. 尽管这一不雅点被等闲收受,很少有凭证标明培植梗概在职何地点、任何年级进行。 20. No one can deny the fact that a person's education is the most important aspect of his life. 莫得东谈主能否定:培植是东谈主生最紧要的一方面。心血管医学英语单词[zt]心力阑珊:Heart failure 心力阑珊Congestive beart failure 充血性心力阑珊Acute left-sided heart failure 急性左心阑珊Chroinc heart failure 慢性心力阑珊Intractable heart failure 难治性心力阑珊Systolic insufficiency heart failure 收缩功能不全性心力阑珊Diastolic insufficiency heart failure 舒张功能不全性心力阑珊Congestive heart failure 充血性心力阑珊Cardiac dysfunction 心功能进军心律失常:Arrhythmia (cardiac arrhythmia)心律失常Triggered activity 触刊行为Afterdepolarization 后除极a.窦房结Sinus node recovery time SNRT 窦房结回当令刻Sinoatrial conduction time SACT 窦房传导时刻Bradycardia 心动过缓Tachycardia 心动过速Sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速Sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缓Sinus pause (sinus arrest) 窦性停搏(窦性静止)sinoatrial block 窦房遮盖(Mobitz 莫氏, Wenckebach 文氏)Sick sinus syndrome(SSS) 病(态)窦(房结)空洞征Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome 心动过缓-心动过速空洞征b.心房Atrial premature beats 房性期前收缩Atrial tachycardia 房性心动过速Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率Automatic atrial tachycardia 自律性房性心动过速Reentrant atrial tachycardia 折返性房性心动过速Chaotic atrial tachycardia 紊乱性房性心动过速Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV block (PAT with block) 伴有房室遮盖的阵发性房性心动过速Multifocal atrial tachycardia 多源性房性心动过速Atrial flutter 心房扑动Atrial fibrillation 心房轰动c.房室接壤区性Premature atrioventricular junctional beats 房室接壤区性期前收缩AV junctional escape beats 房室接壤区性逸搏AV junctional rhythm 房室接壤区性心律Nonparoxysmal atrioventricular junctional tachycardia 非阵发性房室接壤区性心动过速Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT)阵发性室上性心动过速Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT)房室结内折返性心动过速Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT)房室返性心动过速Preexcitation syndrome(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) 预激空洞征(WPW空洞征)d.心室Premature ventricular beats 室性期前收缩Ventricular parasystole 室性并行心律Ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 加速性心室自主节拍Torsades de pointes 顶端扭转Ventricular flutter 心室扑动Ventricular fibrillation 心室轰动Atrioventricular block 房室传导遮盖Wenckebach block 文氏遮盖Adame-Strokes syndrom 阿-斯空洞征Intraventricular block 室内传导遮盖Right bundle branch block 右束支传导遮盖Left bundle branch block 左束支传导遮盖Left anterior fascicular block 左前分支传导遮盖Left posterior fascicular block 左后分支传导遮盖Bifascicular block 双分支遮盖Trifascicular block 三分支遮盖腹黑骤停与暴毙sudden cardiac death 腹黑性暴毙Cardiac arrest 腹黑骤停Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 无脉性电行为高血压:Hypertension 高血压Hypertensive urgencyes 高血压急症Hypertensive crisis 高血压危象Hypertensive emergencies 高血压危症Secondary hypertension 继发性高血压Primary hypertension 原发性高血压“White coat” hypertension 白大衣性高血压4Isolated systolic hypertension 单纯收缩期高血压Arteriolosclerosis 小动脉硬化先心病:Congenital heart disease 先天性腹黑病Congenital cardiovascular disease 先天性心血管病Pulmonic stenosis 肺动脉褊狭Isolated pulmonic stenosis 单纯肺动脉口褊狭Coarctation of the aorta 主动脉缩窄Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery 单纯肺动脉膨大Primary pulmonary hypertension 原发性肺动脉高压Persistent left superior vena cava 双侧上腔静脉(左上腔静脉残存)Isolated dextrocardia 颓废性右位心Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage 部分性肺静脉乖张引流Ventricular septal defect (VSD) 室间隔缺损Eisenmenger’s syndrome 艾森门格空洞征Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)动脉导管未闭Tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四联症Trilogy of Fallot 法洛三联症Complete transposition of the great vessels 统统性大血管错位Atrial septal defect (ASD) 房间隔缺损腹黑瓣膜病:Multivalve heart disease 多瓣膜疾病5Mitral valve disease 二尖瓣疾病Pulmonic valve disease 肺动脉瓣疾病Tricuspid valve disease 三尖瓣疾病Ebstein’s anomaly 三尖瓣下移乖张Dysfunction or rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调或断裂Aortic valve disease 主动脉瓣疾病Aortic arch syndrome 主动脉弓空洞征Valvular heart disease 腹黑瓣膜病rheumatic heart disease 风湿性腹黑病Rheumatic fever 风干冷Rheumatic carditis 风湿性腹黑炎Mitral stenosis 二尖瓣褊狭Mitral incompetence 二尖瓣关闭不全Acute mitral insufficiency 急性二尖瓣关闭不全Chronic mitral insufficiency 慢性二尖瓣关闭不全Marfan’s syndrom 马凡氏空洞征Aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣褊狭Aortic incompetence 主动脉瓣关闭不全Chronic aortic insufficiency 慢性主动脉瓣关闭不全Tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣褊狭Tricuspid incompetence 三尖瓣关闭不全Pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣褊狭Pulmonary incompetence 肺动脉瓣关闭不全冠心病:Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 冠状动脉粥样硬化性腹黑病Coronary heart disease 冠状动脉性腹黑病Angina pectoris 心绞痛Stable angina pectoris 厚实型心绞痛Unstable angina pectoris 不稳宽心绞痛Initial onset angina pectoris 初发型心绞痛Accelerated angina pectoris 恶化型心绞痛Variant angina pectoris (Prinzmetal’s variant angina pectoris)变异型心绞痛Angina decubitus 卧位心绞痛Acute coronary insufficiency 急性冠状动脉功能不全Postinfarction angina pectoris 梗塞后心绞痛Acute coronary syndrome(ACS) 急性冠脉空洞征Myocardial infarction(MI) 心肌梗死Acute myocardial infarction(AMI) 急性心肌梗死Dysfunction of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调Rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌断裂Rupture of the heart 腹黑碎裂Embolism 栓塞Cardiac aneurysm 腹黑室壁瘤Postinfarction syndrome 心肌梗身后空洞征Latent coronary heart disease 无症状型冠心病(隐性冠心病)Ischemic cardiomyopathy 缺血性心肌病Sudden death 暴毙感染性心内膜炎:Infective endocarditis (IE) 感染性心内膜炎Native valve endocarditis 自体瓣膜心内膜炎Prothetic valve endocarditis 东谈主工瓣膜心内膜炎Endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers 静脉药瘾者心内膜炎Acute infective endocarditics(AIE) 急性感染性心内膜炎Subacute Infective endocarditis 亚急性感染性心内膜炎心肌疾病:Specific cardiomyopathy 特异性心肌病Viral myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)肥厚性心肌病Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH) 非对称性室间隔肥厚Restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM)赔本性心肌病Dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM)膨大型心肌病Alcoholic cardiomyopathy 酒精性心肌病Peripartum cardiomyopathy 围生期心肌病Drug-induced cardiomyopathy 药物性心肌病Keshan disease (KD) 克山病Endemic cardiomyopathy (ECD) 地方性心肌病Cardiomyopathies 心肌疾病Myocardial bridging 心肌桥Myocarditis 心肌炎Right ventricular cardiomyopathy 右室心肌病Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy(ARVC)致心律失常型右室心肌病Unclassified cardiomyopathies,UCM)心包疾病:Purulent pericarditis 化脓性心包炎Acute pericarditis 急性心包炎Tuberculous pericarditis 结核性心包炎Constrictive pericarditis 缩窄性心包炎血管疾病:Peripheral arteriosclerosis obliteration 封锁性周围动脉粥样硬化Primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches 多发性大动脉炎Raynaud syndrome 雷诺空洞征Pulness disease 无脉病Thromboangitis obliterans 血栓封锁性脉管炎Thrombophlebitis 血栓性静脉炎Aortic dissection 主动脉夹层其它疾病:Syndrome XCardiogenic shock 心原性休克Postpericardiostomy syndrome 心肌损害后空洞征Pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞Syncope 晕厥Syphlitic cardiovascular disease 梅毒性心血管病Cardiovascular neurosis 腹黑血管神经官能症药物Vasodilator 血管膨大剂(phlebectasis 静脉膨大, arteriectasis 动脉膨大)Diuretic 利尿剂(thiazide diuretic 噻嗪类利尿剂;loop diuretic 袢利尿剂;potassium-sparing diuretics 保钾利尿剂)inotropic agent 正性肌力药(digitalis preparation 洋地黄制剂;adrenergic receptor stimulant 肾上腺素能受体茂盛剂;phosphodiesterase inhibitor 磷酸二酯酶遏止剂)Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor(ACE inhibitors)(ACEI)血管病笃素迁移酶遏止剂Aldosterone antagonist 醛固酮拮抗剂Beta adrenergic receptor blocker (beta blockers) ß肾上腺素能受体遮盖剂Calcium channel blocker(CCB)钙通谈遮盖剂Angiotension Ⅱ antagonist(Angiotension Ⅱ receptor blocker) 血管病笃素Ⅱ受体遮盖剂Alpha blockers α1 受体遮盖剂Nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油Digoxin 地高辛Lanatoside C 西地兰10antiarrhythic drugs 抗心律失常药lidocaine 利多卡因Propafenone 普罗帕酮Amiodarone 胺碘酮调脂药降脂药HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors HMG-CoA 还原酶遏止剂Nicotinic acid 烟酸Clofibrate 氯贝丁酯抗血小板药物溶栓药recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator ,rt-PA 重组组织型纤维卵白酶原激活剂抗凝药操作interventional therapy for cardiovascular diseases 心血管病介入性诊治Holter ECG monitoring 动态心电图Ultrasound angioplasty 超声消融术Directional coronary atherectomy 定向旋切术High frequency rotational atherectomy 高频旋磨术Laser angioplasty 激光血管成形术Catheter ablation 心导管消融Radiofrequency catheter ablation 经导管射频消融Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty(PBMV)经皮穿刺球囊二尖瓣成形术Percutaneous balloon pulmonic valvuloplasty(PBPV)经皮穿刺球囊肺动脉瓣成形术Percutaneous transluminal septial myocardial ablation,(PTSMA)经皮经腔间隔心肌消融术11Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) 经皮穿刺腔内冠状动脉成形术Percutaneous intracoronary stent implantation 经皮穿刺冠状动脉内支架安置术Transluminal Extraction catheter (TEC)经皮血管内切吸导管Artificial cardiac pacing 东谈主工腹黑起搏Multisite cardiac pacing 多部位腹黑起搏Biatrial pacing 双心房起搏biventricular pacing 双心室起搏bifocal pacing 双灶起搏Heart transplantation 腹黑移植Angiojet rheolytic thrombectomy 簇新血栓招引术Upright tilt-table testing 赠送歪斜试验Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)置入型心律转复除颤器Thumpversion 捶击复律Cough-version 咳嗽复律Cardioversion 腹黑电复律Defibrillation 腹黑电除颤Revascularization 血管重建其它Hemolytic streptococcus 甲族乙型溶血性链球菌Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)抗胸腺细胞球卵白Vagus nerve 迷跑神经,Brainstem death 脑干圆寂12Brain death 脑圆寂Myocardial remodeling 心肌重塑Hemodynamics 血液能源学Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)心钠素Vasopressin 血管加压素,抗利尿激素Bradykinin 缓激肽Triggered activity 触刊行为Afterdepolarization 后除极Late ventricular potential 心室晚电位Sinus node recovery time(SNRT) 窦房结回当令刻Sinoatrial conduction time(SACT) 窦房传导时刻Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率Accessory atrioventricular pathways 房室旁路Atriohisian tracts 房希氏束Nodoventricular fibers 结-室纤维Fasciculoventricular fibers 分支室纤维Insulin resistance 胰岛素抵牾Vasodepressor response 血管减压响应Pulsus tardus 细迟脉Minimum Inhibitory concentration (MIC) 最小抑菌浓度Systolic anterior motion(SAM) (二尖瓣前叶)收缩期前向畅通Intermittent claudication 间歇性跛行以下这些皮肤科的词汇是在网上网罗的,但愿对有需要的东谈主有用。头癣 tinea capitis 体癣 tinea corporis股癣 tinea cruris 手癣 tinea manum足癣 tinea pedis 甲真菌病 tinea unguium, onychomycosis花斑癣 tinea versicolor, pityriasis versicolor念珠菌病 candidiasis 孢子丝菌病 sporotrichosis隐球菌病 cryptococcosis 着色性真菌病 chromomycosis皮肤暗丝孢霉菌 phaeohyphomycosis 足菌肿 mycetoma奴卡菌病 nocardiosis 放线菌病 actinomycosis糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎 Pityrosporum folliculitis脓疱疮 impetigo 毛囊炎 folliculitis须疮 sycosis 须部假性毛囊炎 pseudofolliculitis barbae秃发性毛囊炎 folliculitis decalvans 疖与疖病 furuncle and furunculosis痈 carbuncle 蜂窝织炎 cellulitis化脓性汗腺炎 hidradenitis suppurativa 猩红热 scarlatina丹毒 erysipelas 臁疮 ecthyma下疳样脓皮病 chancriform pyoderma 脓疱性细菌疹 pustular bacterid化脓性甲沟炎 pyogenic paronychia 麻风 leprosis皮肤结核病 tuberculosis cutis 硬红斑 erythema induratum, Bazin’s disease拍浮池肉芽肿 swimming pool granuloma猫握病 cat-scratch disease皮肤炭疽 cutaneous anthrax;pustula maligna类丹毒 erysipeloid 红癣 erythrasma腋毛癣 trichomycosis axillaris Reiter病 Reiter’s disease流行性斑疹伤寒 epidemic typhus项部瘢痕疙瘩性毛囊炎 folliculitis keloidalis nuchae战斗性皮炎 contact dermatitis 湿疹 eczema遗传性过敏性皮炎 atopic dermatitis,AD 自己敏锐性皮炎 autosensitization dermatitis荨麻疹 urticaria 血管性水肿 angioedema丘疹性荨麻疹 papular urticaria 药疹 epispasis,drug eruption遗传性血管性水肿 hereditary angioedema 尿布皮炎 diaper dermatitis 汗疱疹 pompholyx系统性战斗性皮炎 systemic contact dermatitis红斑狼疮 lupus erythematosus 皮肌炎 dermatomyositis, DM硬皮病 scleroderma 搀和结缔组织病 MCT; mixed connected tissue嗜酸性筋膜炎 eosinophilic fasciitis 干燥空洞征 Sjogren syndrome, SS重复空洞征 OS;overlap syndrome少小性类风湿性要津炎juvenil rheumatoid arthritis嗜酸性粒细胞增多症 eosinophilia类风湿性嗜中性皮病 Rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis多形红斑 erythema multiforme离心地环状红斑 erythema annulare centrifugum慢性游走性红斑 erythema chronicum migrans匍形性回状红斑 erythema gyratum repens银屑病 psoriasis 副银屑病 parapsoriasis玫瑰糠疹 pityriasis rosea 单纯糠疹 pityriasis simplex毛发红糠疹 pityriasis rubra pilaris 扁平苔藓 lichen planus硬化性萎缩性苔藓 lichen sclerosus et atrophicus鳞状毛囊角化 keratosis follicularis squamosa线状苔藓 lichen striatus 红皮病 erythroderma斑点 freckle 色素痣 pigmented nevus咖啡斑 café-au-lait spots 黄褐斑 chloasma白癜风 vitiligo 寻常痤疮 acne vulgaris脂溢性皮炎 seborrheic dermatitis 石棉状糠疹 pityriasis amiantacea酒糟鼻 acne rosacea 激生性皮炎 hormonous dermatitis口周皮炎 perioral dermatitis 多汗症 hidrosis; hyperhidrosis无汗症 anhidrosis 臭汗症 bromidrosis, bromhidrosis斑秃 alopecia areata 假性斑秃 pseudopelade男性型脱发 male-pattern alopecia;MPA多毛症 polytrichia;polytrichosis 白首 canities 梅毒 syphilis 淋病 gonnorrhea尖锐湿疣 condyloma acuminatum分子遗传学常用词汇(华文) 腺嘌呤Adenine(A):一种碱基,和胸腺嘧啶T结合成碱基对。 等位基因(Alleles):销毁个基因座位上的多种发达步地。一般控制销毁个性状,比如眼睛的脸色等。 氨基酸(Amino Acid):共有20种氨基酸组成了生物体中整个的卵白质。卵白质的氨基酸序列和由遗传密码决定。 扩增(Amplification):对某种特定DNA片断拷贝数量增多的方法,有体内扩增和体外扩增两种。(参见克隆和PCR时间) 克隆矩阵(Arrayed Library):一些紧要的重组体的克隆(以噬菌粒,YAC或者其他作载体),这些重组体放在试管中,排成一个二维矩阵。这种克隆矩阵有许多应用,比如筛选特定的基因和片断,以及物理图谱画图等。从每种克隆得到的遗传连锁信息和物理图谱信息皆输入到关所有这个词据库中。 自显影时间(Autoradiography):使用X光片来败露使用放射性元素符号的DNA片断的位置,常用在使用凝胶将DNA片断按像片断大小分离之后,败露各个DNA片断的位置。 常染色体(Autosome):和性别决定无关的染色体。东谈主是双倍体动物,每个体细胞中皆含有46条染色体,其中22对是常染色体,一双是性染色体(XX或者XY)。 噬菌体(Bacteriophage):参见phage 碱基对(Base Pair,bp):两个碱基(A和T,或者C和G)之间靠氢键结合在一齐,形成一个碱基对。DNA的两条链便是靠碱基对之间的氢键结合在一齐,形成双螺旋结构。 碱基序列(Base sequence):DNA分子中碱基的摆设规律。 碱基序列分析(Base Sequence Analysis):分析出DNA分子中碱基序列的方法(这种方法有时梗概全自动化) cDNA:参见互补DNA 厘摩(cM):一种度量重组概率的单元。在生殖细胞形成的减数分裂经过中,时常会发生同源染色体之间的交叉沸腾,如果两个符号之间发生交叉的概率为1%,那么它们之间的距离就界说为1cM。对东谈主类来说,1cM约莫极度于1Mbp。 着丝点(Centromere):在细胞的有丝分裂经过中,从细胞的两头发出纺锤丝,结合在染色体的着丝点上,将染色体拉向细胞的两级。 染色体(Chromosome):细胞核中梗概自我复制的部分,包含承载遗传信息的DNA分子。原核生物中只消一个呈环状的染色体;而真核生物中一般包含多个染色体,每条染色体皆由DNA和卵白质组成。 克隆库(Clone Bank):参见基因组文库(genomic library)。 克隆 (名词,Clones):从销毁个亲代细胞形成的一组细胞。 克隆(动词,Cloning):形成无数子细胞的无性养殖经过,这些子细胞和亲代细胞统统一样,这个经过称为克隆。 克隆载体(Cloning Vector):泛泛领受从病毒、质粒或高等生物细胞中获取的DNA作为克隆载体,在载体上插入合适大小的外源DNA片断,并闪耀弗成破损载体的自我复制性质。将重组后的载体引入到宿主细胞中,并在宿主细胞中无数养殖。常见的载体有质粒,噬菌粒,酵母东谈主工染色体。 互补DNA(cDNA):以信使RNA为模板合成的DNA,时常领受互补DNA的一条链作为画图物理图谱时的探针。 互补序列(Complementary sequence):以一条核苷酸链为模板,根据碱基互补规矩形成的互补链,称为该模板的互补序列。 保守序列(Conserved Sequence ):指DNA分子中的一个核苷酸片断或者卵白质中的氨基酸片断,它们在进化经过中基本保持不变。 衔接图谱(Contig Map):衔接图谱样子粉饰了通盘染色体的小片断的规律关系,这些小片断彼此衔接,两个片断通过有重复部分揣测出两者彼此衔接。 衔接片断(Contigs):染色体片断的克隆,两个片断通过有重复部分揣测出两者彼此衔接 噬菌粒(Cosmid):东谈主工构造的含有Lambda抗菌素的cos基因的克隆载体。噬菌粒梗概引入到???Lambda抗菌素微粒中,然后注入到大肠杆菌中去,这么咱们就可以将长达45kb的DNA片断引入到宿主细菌的质粒载体中。 交叉(Crossing over):在减数分裂时,来自父本的染色体和来自母本的染色体有时会发生断裂,然后交换断裂部分从头组合成新的染色体,这种交叉时常会导致等位基因的交换。 胞嘧啶(Cytosine):碱基的一种,和鸟嘌呤结合成碱基对C-G。 双倍体(Diploid):一整套遗传物资中包含成对的染色体,一条来自父本,一条来自母本。大多数动物的细胞(配子细胞之外)皆含有双倍体的染色体。 脱氧核糖核酸DNA :编码遗传信息的大分子。DNA是一种双链结构,两条链之间通过碱基对之间的氢键彼此结合。彼此配对的核苷酸之间有着严实的规矩,因此咱们梗概通过一条链的规律揣测出另一条链的规律。 DNA复制(replication):以现存DNA的一条链为模板合成一条新的链。在东谈主类和其他真核生物细胞中,DNA的复制在细胞核中进行。 DNA序列(sequence):DNA片断、基因、染色体、基因组中的碱基摆设规律。 结构域(Domain):卵白质中一个有着特定功能的孤立单元。多个结构域共同组成卵白质的功能。 双螺旋(Double Helix):DNA的两条链彼此缠绕在一齐,形成一种双螺旋结构。 大肠杆菌(E Coli):细菌的一种。遗传学家对大肠杆菌研究得比拟绝对,大肠杆菌的染色体比拟小,泛泛莫得致病性,易于培养。 电泳时间(Electrophoresis):分离大分子的一种方法,梗概从一堆混杂在一齐的DNA或者卵白质中依据各个片断的大小将它们分开。一般在介质两头加电压,介质一端设有小槽,槽内放有待分离的大分子溶液,在电场的作用下,大分子会从一端向另一端畅通,但是由于自己的大小或分子量的不同,它们的泳动速率是不同的,因此咱们可以根据它们的位置将它们分离开来。常用的介质有琼脂糖和聚丙稀酰胺。 内切核酸酶(Endonuclease):内切核酸酶梗概在核酸底物的某个里面切点上切开。 酶(Enzyme):一种非常的具有催化作用的卵白质,它梗概加速生化响应的速率,但是不编削响应的地方和产物。 真核生物(Eukaryote):细胞或生物自己有细胞膜包被,有结构孤立的细胞核,以及发育统统的细胞器。除了病毒、细菌和蓝藻绿藻外,绝大多数生物皆是真核生物。 外显子(Exons):基因中有编码卵白质功能的部分。 外切酶(Exonclease):外切酶从DNA片断的解放端开动酶切。 荧光原位杂交(FISH:fluorescence in situ hybridization):荧光原位杂交方法是一种物理图谱画图方法,使用荧光素符号探针,以检测探针和分裂中期的染色体或分裂间期的染色质的杂交。 流式细胞术:根据细胞或者染色体的光罗致性和光辐照性对材料进行分析的方法。 配子(Gamete):练习的雄性或雌性生殖细胞(精子或卵子),只消单倍体的染色体。 基因(Gene):遗传的基本结构和功能单元。基因是特定染色体上特定位置的一段核苷酸片断,梗概编码特定功能的卵白质。 基因抒发(Gene Expression):基因编码的信息转动为细胞结构并在细胞中愚弄功能的经过。包括转录成信使RNA接着翻译成卵白质的基因,以及转录成RNA但是不翻译成卵白质的基因。 基因眷属(Gene Families):一组关系紧密,抒发产物相似的基因。 基因图谱(Gene Mapping):在一个DNA分子上决定基因的规律过头彼此间的距离。包括遗传图谱和物理图谱。 基因产物(Gene Product):基因抒发经过中形成的RNA或卵白质。基因抒发产物的些许常用来权衡一个基因的抒发活性,如果一个基因的抒发产物很是减少的话,这种基因产物的数量异时常常预示着疾病基因的存在。 遗传密码(Genetic Code):信使RNA上每三个一组的核苷酸序列,决定了卵白质肽链上的一个氨基酸。DNA上的碱基序列控制形成信使RNA上的核苷酸序列,进而决定了卵白质肽链上的氨基酸序列。 遗传学(genetics):研究特定性状的遗传行动的科学。 基因组(Genome):一种生物整个染色体上的遗传物资,称为基因组,基因组的大小时常领受碱基对的数量来暗示。 基因组霸术(Genome Project):基因组霸术的见解是画图基因组的图谱,对基因组进行测序。 基因组文库(Genomic Library):对某个染色体,制备惟恐产生的、彼此之间有重复部分的片断的克隆。 鸟嘌呤(Guanine):碱基的一种,和胞嘧啶以氢键结合形成碱基对C-G. 单倍体(Haploid):单倍体细胞中只消一套染色体(是体细胞中的染色体数量的一半),比如动物的精子和卵子、植物的卵细胞和花粉皆是单倍体细胞。 杂和体(Heterozygosity):同源染色体的某个位点上有不同的等位基因,这个细胞就称为杂和体。 Homeobox:许多基因中皆会发现一些共同的碱基序列。对果蝇和东谈主类的研究皆发现了Homeobox的存在。在果蝇中存在一种Homeobox, 它能界定哪些基因在何时抒发。。 同源性(Homologies):指同种类不同个体或者不同种类个体之间的,染色体或者卵白质序列的相似性 同源染色体(Homologous Chromosome):一双染色体,永别来自父本和母本,染色体上有着一样的线性基因序列。 基因诊治(Human Gene Therapy):径直在细胞中引入正常的DNA以诊治遗传疾病的方法。 东谈主类基因组行动霸术:是自1986年好意思国能源部 率领的名目的总称。包括(1):建立某个染色体的DNA片断的规律(2)开发分析基因图谱和测序的算法(3)开发DNA检测和分析的新斥地。当今的称呼是东谈主类基因组霸术。而通盘好意思国的相关职责则称为东谈主类基因组名目,由好意思国能源部和国立卫生研究院共同率领。 杂交(Hybridization):两段互补的DNA单链,或者一段DNA单链和一段RNA依照碱基互补规矩形成一条双链的经过。 生物信息学(Informatics):使用筹备机和统计方法作为用具,不竭从试验中得到的无数信息。生物信息学包括:数据库搜索的快速算法,对DNA的分析方法,从DNA序列来展望卵白质的序列和结构。 原位杂交(in situ hybridization):使用DNA或者RNA探针来检测与其互补的另一条链在细菌或其他真核细胞中的位置。 分裂间期(interphase):通盘细胞周期中的一部分,在这个时间细胞完成染色体中DNA的复制和相关卵白质的合成,染色体呈现出染色质的形态即长的细丝状。 内含子(Introns):基因中除了外显子,剩余的DNA序列就组成了内含子,内含子被转录成RNA,但是接着就被剪切掉,因此内含子不编码卵白质。 体外(in vitro):在一个活体生物之外。比如DNA的体外复制,它不使用将外源DNA引入到宿主细胞内进行无数养殖的方法。 染色体组型(Karyotype):样子一个生物体内整个染色体的大小、体式和数量信息的图象。这种组型时间可用来寻找染色体歧变同特定疾病的关系,比如:染色体数量的很是增多、体式发生很是变化等。 文库(library):从某条染色体上制取的DNA片断未经排序的克隆汇集,克隆之间的规律关系可以通过物理图谱来败露。 连锁关系(Linkage):两个符号之间的衔接关系。如果两个符号间距离比拟近的话,那么在减数分裂发生交叉,两个符号被分离的概率就比拟小。 连锁图谱(Linkage Map):染色体上两个遗传位点之间相对位置的关系。两个位点之间的距离依据它们共同遗传的概率来详情。 定位(Localize):详情一个基因或者符号在染色体上的原始位置。 位点(Locus:Loci as pl):染色体上一个基因或者符号的位置。位点有时专指DNA上有抒发功能的部分。 酶切图谱(Macrorestriction Map):样子赔本性内切酶的酶切点的位置和距离信息的图谱。 符号(Marker):染色体上一个可以被识别的区域(比如赔本性内切酶的酶切点,基因的位置等)。符号的遗传梗概被检测出来。符号可以是染色体上有抒发功能的部分(比如基因),也可以是莫得编码卵白质功能但遗传特质梗概被检测出来的部分。 减数分裂(Meiosis):精母细胞或卵母细胞的染色体只复制一次,但是两次一语气的分裂,最终产生4个子细胞,每个子细胞的染色体数量减半。 信使RNA(MessengerRNA):佩带遗传信息,在卵白质合成时充任模板的RNA。 四分体时期(Metaphase):在有丝分裂和无丝分裂经过中,每条染色体经过复制皆形成两条姐妹染色单体,这么两条同源染色体就包含4条染色单体,它们在纺锤丝的牵引下,摆设在赤谈板上。此时最允洽对染色体进行不雅察。 有丝分 Mult裂(Mitosis):细胞的一种养殖方式,每个细胞皆形成和亲代细胞两个统统一样的子细胞。iplexing:一种同期领受多种样品的测序方法,梗概大大提高测序速率。 突变(Mutation):DNA序列上任一种可以被遗传的变易。 核苷酸(Nucleotide):DNA和RNA的基本组成部分,泛泛包含一分子核糖,一分子磷酸和一分子碱基。多个核苷酸通过磷酸二酯键结合成一条链状。 细胞核(Nucleos):真核细胞中的一种细胞器,内含遗传物资。 癌基因(Oncogene):一种梗概导致癌症的基因。许多致癌基因皆径直或障碍地控制细胞的成长速率。 噬菌体(phage):一种以细菌为宿主细胞的病毒。 物理图谱(Physics Map):物理图谱样子DNA上可以识别的符号的位置和彼此之间的距离(以碱基对的数量为权衡单元),这些可以识别的符号包括赔本性内切酶的酶切位点,基因等。物理图谱不斟酌两个符号共同遗传的概率等信息。关于东谈主类基因组来说,最粗的物理图谱是染色体的条带染色模式,最精细的图谱是测出DNA的完好碱基序列。 质粒(Plasmid):质粒是细菌的染色体外梗概自我复制的环状DNA分子。它梗概和细胞核中的染色体赫然地区别开来,而且并不是细胞糊口的必要物资。一些质粒允洽于引入到宿主细胞中去,并利用宿主细胞的DNA无数养殖,因此咱们时常领受质粒作为外源DNA的载体,外源DNA借助于质粒在宿主细胞中无数养殖。 多基因病(Polygenic Disorder):有多个基因位点共同决定的遗传病(如腹黑病、糖尿病、一些癌症等)。这类疾病的遗传由多个基因位点共同控制,因而比单基因病的遗传更为复杂。 多聚酶链式响应(PCR):一种体外扩增DNA的方法。PCR使用一种耐热的多聚酶,以及两个含有20个碱基的单链引物。经过高温变性将模板DNA分离成两条链,低温退火使得引物和一条模板单链结合,然后是中温延长,响应液的游离核苷酸紧接着引物从5‘端到3’端合成一条互补的新链。而新合成的DNA又可以不绝进行上述轮回,因此DNA的数量继续倍增。 多聚酶(Polymerase):多聚酶具有催化作用,梗概加速游离的核苷酸和DNA模板结合形成新链的响应速率。 多态性(Polymorphism):多个个体之间DNA的各异称为多态性。DNA变异概率卓越1%的变异,比拟允洽作为画图结合图谱的凭证。 引物(Primer):预先制备的比拟短的核苷酸链,在新链合成经过中作为引物,游离的核苷酸在引物之后按规律和模板上的碱基结合,形成新链。 原核生物(Prokaryote):原核生物莫得细胞膜,结构泄漏的核以过头他细胞器。细菌是原核生物。 探针(Probe):是一条DNA单链或者一条RNA链,具有特定的序列,况且使用放射性元素或者免疫特质物资进行符号。探针和克隆库中的某条互补片断结合成一条双链结构,咱们可以借助于探针的检测来获知与其互补的链的位置。 启动子(Promoter):DNA上的一个特定位点,RNA集结酶在此和DNA结合,并由此开动转录经过。 卵白质(Protein):一种由一条或者多条肽链组成的大分子。每条肽链上核苷酸的规律是由基因外显子部分的碱基序列决定的。卵白质是细胞、组织和器官的紧要组成部分,每种卵白质皆具有特定的功能。酶、抗体和激素等皆是卵白质。 嘌呤(Purine):一种含氮的单环结构物。是核苷酸的紧要组成部分,有腺嘌呤A和鸟嘌呤G两种。 嘧啶(Pyrimidine):一种含氮的双环结构,是核苷酸的紧要组成部分。分为胞嘧啶C,胸腺嘧啶T和尿嘧啶U三种。 重组克隆(Recombinant Clone):将不同起首的DNA片断合成在一个DNA分子中,这种时间称为重组,得到的分子为重组克隆。 DNA重组时间(Recombinant DNA Technology):在细胞体外将两个DNA片断结合成一个DNA分子的时间。在允洽的条目下,一个重组DNA分子梗概被引入到宿主细胞中并在宿主细胞中无数养殖。 调控序列(regulatory regions and sequence):一段控制基因抒发的DNA片断。 赔本性内切酶(Restriction enzyme, endonuclease):这种酶梗概识别出DNA上特定的碱基序列,并在这个位点将DNA酶切。细菌中有400中赔本性内切酶,梗概识别出100中DNA序列。 酶切位点(Restriction Enzyme cutting site):DNA上一段碱基的特定序列,赔本性内切酶梗概识别出这个序列并在此将DNA酶切成两段。 赔本性长度多态性(Restriction fragment length polymorphsm):从不同个体制备的DNA,使用销毁种赔本性内切酶酶切,切得的片断长度各不一样。酶切片断的长度可以作为物理图谱或者结合图谱中的符号子。泛泛是在酶切位点处发生突变而引发的。 核糖核酸RNA(Ribonucleic acid):从细胞的细胞核和细胞质部分分离出来的化学物资。在卵白质合成和其他生化响应中起着紧要作用,RNA的结构和DNA的结构肖似,皆是有核苷酸按照一定规律摆设成的长链。RNA可以分为信使RNA、转运RNA、核糖体RNA以过头他类型的RNA。 核糖体RNA(Ribonsomal RNA rRNA):存在于核糖体中的RNA。 核糖体(Ribonsome):细胞质中含有rRNA和相关卵白质的细胞器,是卵白质的合澄净象。 序诸君置标签(Sequence Tagged Site, STS):一段短的DNA序列(200-500个碱基对),这种序列在染色体上只出现一次,其位置和碱基规律皆是已知的。在PCR响应中可以检测处STS来,STS允洽于作为东谈主类基因组的一种地标,据此可以判定DNA的地方和特定序列的相对位置。ETS是cDNA上的STS。 性染色体(Sex Chromosome):在东谈主类细胞中是X或者Y染色体,性染色体决定了个体的性别。雌性细胞中含有两个X染色体,而雄性细胞中含有1个X染色体和1个Y染色体。 鸟枪法(Shotgun method):使用基因组中的惟恐产生的片断作为模板进行克隆的方法。 单基因病(Single Gene Disorder):一个基因的等位基因之间发生了突变变成的疾病。 体细胞(Somatic Cells):个体中除了生殖细胞过头母细胞之外的细胞,皆是体细胞。 ***重复序列(Tandem repeat sequences):在染色体上一段序列的屡次重复,称为***重复序列。常用来作为物理图谱中的符号子。 端粒(Telomere):是染色体的终端部分,这一非常结构区域关于线型染色体的结构和厚实起紧要作用。 转录(Transcription):以某一DNA链为模板,按照碱基互补原则形成一条新的RNA链的经过,是基因抒发的第一步。 转运RNA(tRNA):转运RNA具有非常的结构,其一端包含3个特定的核苷酸序列,能和信使RNA上的密码子按照碱基配对原则进行结合。另一端则带有一个氨基酸。因此转运RNA梗概同细胞质中游离的氨基酸结合并运到核糖体上,核糖体按mRNA上的遗传信息将氨基酸安装成卵白质。 转动(Transformation):将外源DNA整合到某一细胞基因组中的经过。。 翻译(Translation):mRNA上佩带的遗传信息指导卵白质的合成经过,称为翻译。 病毒(Virus):一种不具备细胞结构的生物体。只可寄生在宿主细胞中才能糊口。病毒一般包含核酸以及外壳卵白,有些动物的病毒的外面也偶尔粉饰一层细胞膜。病毒干预宿主细胞之后,利用宿主的合成机制复制出无数的后代。。 酵母菌东谈主工合成染色体(Yeast Artificial Chromosome):一种梗概克隆长达400Kb的DNA片断的载体,含有酵母细胞中必需的端粒、着丝点和复制肇端序列。(卜东波、伍树明翻译整理)分子遗传学常用词汇(华文) 腺嘌呤Adenine(A):一种碱基,和胸腺嘧啶T结合成碱基对。 等位基因(Alleles):销毁个基因座位上的多种发达步地。一般控制销毁个性状,比如眼睛的脸色等。 氨基酸(Amino Acid):共有20种氨基酸组成了生物体中整个的卵白质。卵白质的氨基酸序列和由遗传密码决定。 扩增(Amplification):对某种特定DNA片断拷贝数量增多的方法,有体内扩增和体外扩增两种。(参见克隆和PCR时间) 克隆矩阵(Arrayed Library):一些紧要的重组体的克隆(以噬菌粒,YAC或者其他作载体),这些重组体放在试管中,排成一个二维矩阵。这种克隆矩阵有许多应用,比如筛选特定的基因和片断,以及物理图谱画图等。从每种克隆得到的遗传连锁信息和物理图谱信息皆输入到关所有这个词据库中。 自显影时间(Autoradiography):使用X光片来败露使用放射性元素符号的DNA片断的位置,常用在使用凝胶将DNA片断按像片断大小分离之后,败露各个DNA片断的位置。 常染色体(Autosome):和性别决定无关的染色体。东谈主是双倍体动物,每个体细胞中皆含有46条染色体,其中22对是常染色体,一双是性染色体(XX或者XY)。 噬菌体(Bacteriophage):参见phage 碱基对(Base Pair,bp):两个碱基(A和T,或者C和G)之间靠氢键结合在一齐,形成一个碱基对。DNA的两条链便是靠碱基对之间的氢键结合在一齐,形成双螺旋结构。 碱基序列(Base sequence):DNA分子中碱基的摆设规律。 碱基序列分析(Base Sequence Analysis):分析出DNA分子中碱基序列的方法(这种方法有时梗概全自动化) cDNA:参见互补DNA 厘摩(cM):一种度量重组概率的单元。在生殖细胞形成的减数分裂经过中,时常会发生同源染色体之间的交叉沸腾,如果两个符号之间发生交叉的概率为1%,那么它们之间的距离就界说为1cM。对东谈主类来说,1cM约莫极度于1Mbp。 着丝点(Centromere):在细胞的有丝分裂经过中,从细胞的两头发出纺锤丝,结合在染色体的着丝点上,将染色体拉向细胞的两级。 染色体(Chromosome):细胞核中梗概自我复制的部分,包含承载遗传信息的DNA分子。原核生物中只消一个呈环状的染色体;而真核生物中一般包含多个染色体,每条染色体皆由DNA和卵白质组成。 克隆库(Clone Bank):参见基因组文库(genomic library)。 克隆 (名词,Clones):从销毁个亲代细胞形成的一组细胞。 克隆(动词,Cloning):形成无数子细胞的无性养殖经过,这些子细胞和亲代细胞统统一样,这个经过称为克隆。 克隆载体(Cloning Vector):泛泛领受从病毒、质粒或高等生物细胞中获取的DNA作为克隆载体,在载体上插入合适大小的外源DNA片断,并闪耀弗成破损载体的自我复制性质。将重组后的载体引入到宿主细胞中,并在宿主细胞中无数养殖。常见的载体有质粒,噬菌粒,酵母东谈主工染色体。 互补DNA(cDNA):以信使RNA为模板合成的DNA,时常领受互补DNA的一条链作为画图物理图谱时的探针。 互补序列(Complementary sequence):以一条核苷酸链为模板,根据碱基互补规矩形成的互补链,称为该模板的互补序列。 保守序列(Conserved Sequence ):指DNA分子中的一个核苷酸片断或者卵白质中的氨基酸片断,它们在进化经过中基本保持不变。 衔接图谱(Contig Map):衔接图谱样子粉饰了通盘染色体的小片断的规律关系,这些小片断彼此衔接,两个片断通过有重复部分揣测出两者彼此衔接。 衔接片断(Contigs):染色体片断的克隆,两个片断通过有重复部分揣测出两者彼此衔接 噬菌粒(Cosmid):东谈主工构造的含有Lambda抗菌素的cos基因的克隆载体。噬菌粒梗概引入到???Lambda抗菌素微粒中,然后注入到大肠杆菌中去,这么咱们就可以将长达45kb的DNA片断引入到宿主细菌的质粒载体中。 交叉(Crossing over):在减数分裂时,来自父本的染色体和来自母本的染色体有时会发生断裂,然后交换断裂部分从头组合成新的染色体,这种交叉时常会导致等位基因的交换。 胞嘧啶(Cytosine):碱基的一种,和鸟嘌呤结合成碱基对C-G。 双倍体(Diploid):一整套遗传物资中包含成对的染色体,一条来自父本,一条来自母本。大多数动物的细胞(配子细胞之外)皆含有双倍体的染色体。 脱氧核糖核酸DNA :编码遗传信息的大分子。DNA是一种双链结构,两条链之间通过碱基对之间的氢键彼此结合。彼此配对的核苷酸之间有着严实的规矩,因此咱们梗概通过一条链的规律揣测出另一条链的规律。 DNA复制(replication):以现存DNA的一条链为模板合成一条新的链。在东谈主类和其他真核生物细胞中,DNA的复制在细胞核中进行。 DNA序列(sequence):DNA片断、基因、染色体、基因组中的碱基摆设规律。 结构域(Domain):卵白质中一个有着特定功能的孤立单元。多个结构域共同组成卵白质的功能。 双螺旋(Double Helix):DNA的两条链彼此缠绕在一齐,形成一种双螺旋结构。 大肠杆菌(E Coli):细菌的一种。遗传学家对大肠杆菌研究得比拟绝对,大肠杆菌的染色体比拟小,泛泛莫得致病性,易于培养。 电泳时间(Electrophoresis):分离大分子的一种方法,梗概从一堆混杂在一齐的DNA或者卵白质中依据各个片断的大小将它们分开。一般在介质两头加电压,介质一端设有小槽,槽内放有待分离的大分子溶液,在电场的作用下,大分子会从一端向另一端畅通,但是由于自己的大小或分子量的不同,它们的泳动速率是不同的,因此咱们可以根据它们的位置将它们分离开来。常用的介质有琼脂糖和聚丙稀酰胺。 内切核酸酶(Endonuclease):内切核酸酶梗概在核酸底物的某个里面切点上切开。 酶(Enzyme):一种非常的具有催化作用的卵白质,它梗概加速生化响应的速率,但是不编削响应的地方和产物。 真核生物(Eukaryote):细胞或生物自己有细胞膜包被,有结构孤立的细胞核,以及发育统统的细胞器。除了病毒、细菌和蓝藻绿藻外,绝大多数生物皆是真核生物。 外显子(Exons):基因中有编码卵白质功能的部分。 外切酶(Exonclease):外切酶从DNA片断的解放端开动酶切。 荧光原位杂交(FISH:fluorescence in situ hybridization):荧光原位杂交方法是一种物理图谱画图方法,使用荧光素符号探针,以检测探针和分裂中期的染色体或分裂间期的染色质的杂交。 流式细胞术:根据细胞或者染色体的光罗致性和光辐照性对材料进行分析的方法。 配子(Gamete):练习的雄性或雌性生殖细胞(精子或卵子),只消单倍体的染色体。 基因(Gene):遗传的基本结构和功能单元。基因是特定染色体上特定位置的一段核苷酸片断,梗概编码特定功能的卵白质。 基因抒发(Gene Expression):基因编码的信息转动为细胞结构并在细胞中愚弄功能的经过。包括转录成信使RNA接着翻译成卵白质的基因,以及转录成RNA但是不翻译成卵白质的基因。 基因眷属(Gene Families):一组关系紧密,抒发产物相似的基因。 基因图谱(Gene Mapping):在一个DNA分子上决定基因的规律过头彼此间的距离。包括遗传图谱和物理图谱。 基因产物(Gene Product):基因抒发经过中形成的RNA或卵白质。基因抒发产物的些许常用来权衡一个基因的抒发活性,如果一个基因的抒发产物很是减少的话,这种基因产物的数量异时常常预示着疾病基因的存在。 遗传密码(Genetic Code):信使RNA上每三个一组的核苷酸序列,决定了卵白质肽链上的一个氨基酸。DNA上的碱基序列控制形成信使RNA上的核苷酸序列,进而决定了卵白质肽链上的氨基酸序列。 遗传学(genetics):研究特定性状的遗传行动的科学。 基因组(Genome):一种生物整个染色体上的遗传物资,称为基因组,基因组的大小时常领受碱基对的数量来暗示。 基因组霸术(Genome Project):基因组霸术的见解是画图基因组的图谱,对基因组进行测序。 基因组文库(Genomic Library):对某个染色体,制备惟恐产生的、彼此之间有重复部分的片断的克隆。 鸟嘌呤(Guanine):碱基的一种,和胞嘧啶以氢键结合形成碱基对C-G. 单倍体(Haploid):单倍体细胞中只消一套染色体(是体细胞中的染色体数量的一半),比如动物的精子和卵子、植物的卵细胞和花粉皆是单倍体细胞。 杂和体(Heterozygosity):同源染色体的某个位点上有不同的等位基因,这个细胞就称为杂和体。 Homeobox:许多基因中皆会发现一些共同的碱基序列。对果蝇和东谈主类的研究皆发现了Homeobox的存在。在果蝇中存在一种Homeobox, 它能界定哪些基因在何时抒发。。 同源性(Homologies):指同种类不同个体或者不同种类个体之间的,染色体或者卵白质序列的相似性 同源染色体(Homologous Chromosome):一双染色体,永别来自父本和母本,染色体上有着一样的线性基因序列。 基因诊治(Human Gene Therapy):径直在细胞中引入正常的DNA以诊治遗传疾病的方法。 东谈主类基因组行动霸术:是自1986年好意思国能源部 率领的名目的总称。包括(1):建立某个染色体的DNA片断的规律(2)开发分析基因图谱和测序的算法(3)开发DNA检测和分析的新斥地。当今的称呼是东谈主类基因组霸术。而通盘好意思国的相关职责则称为东谈主类基因组名目,由好意思国能源部和国立卫生研究院共同率领。 杂交(Hybridization):两段互补的DNA单链,或者一段DNA单链和一段RNA依照碱基互补规矩形成一条双链的经过。 生物信息学(Informatics):使用筹备机和统计方法作为用具,不竭从试验中得到的无数信息。生物信息学包括:数据库搜索的快速算法,对DNA的分析方法,从DNA序列来展望卵白质的序列和结构。 原位杂交(in situ hybridization):使用DNA或者RNA探针来检测与其互补的另一条链在细菌或其他真核细胞中的位置。 分裂间期(interphase):通盘细胞周期中的一部分,在这个时间细胞完成染色体中DNA的复制和相关卵白质的合成,染色体呈现出染色质的形态即长的细丝状。 内含子(Introns):基因中除了外显子,剩余的DNA序列就组成了内含子,内含子被转录成RNA,但是接着就被剪切掉,因此内含子不编码卵白质。 体外(in vitro):在一个活体生物之外。比如DNA的体外复制,它不使用将外源DNA引入到宿主细胞内进行无数养殖的方法。 染色体组型(Karyotype):样子一个生物体内整个染色体的大小、体式和数量信息的图象。这种组型时间可用来寻找染色体歧变同特定疾病的关系,比如:染色体数量的很是增多、体式发生很是变化等。 文库(library):从某条染色体上制取的DNA片断未经排序的克隆汇集,克隆之间的规律关系可以通过物理图谱来败露。 连锁关系(Linkage):两个符号之间的衔接关系。如果两个符号间距离比拟近的话,那么在减数分裂发生交叉,两个符号被分离的概率就比拟小。 连锁图谱(Linkage Map):染色体上两个遗传位点之间相对位置的关系。两个位点之间的距离依据它们共同遗传的概率来详情。 定位(Localize):详情一个基因或者符号在染色体上的原始位置。 位点(Locus:Loci as pl):染色体上一个基因或者符号的位置。位点有时专指DNA上有抒发功能的部分。 酶切图谱(Macrorestriction Map):样子赔本性内切酶的酶切点的位置和距离信息的图谱。 符号(Marker):染色体上一个可以被识别的区域(比如赔本性内切酶的酶切点,基因的位置等)。符号的遗传梗概被检测出来。符号可以是染色体上有抒发功能的部分(比如基因),也可以是莫得编码卵白质功能但遗传特质梗概被检测出来的部分。 减数分裂(Meiosis):精母细胞或卵母细胞的染色体只复制一次,但是两次一语气的分裂,最终产生4个子细胞,每个子细胞的染色体数量减半。 信使RNA(MessengerRNA):佩带遗传信息,在卵白质合成时充任模板的RNA。 四分体时期(Metaphase):在有丝分裂和无丝分裂经过中,每条染色体经过复制皆形成两条姐妹染色单体,这么两条同源染色体就包含4条染色单体,它们在纺锤丝的牵引下,摆设在赤谈板上。此时最允洽对染色体进行不雅察。 有丝分 Mult裂(Mitosis):细胞的一种养殖方式,每个细胞皆形成和亲代细胞两个统统一样的子细胞。iplexing:一种同期领受多种样品的测序方法,梗概大大提高测序速率。 突变(Mutation):DNA序列上任一种可以被遗传的变易。 核苷酸(Nucleotide):DNA和RNA的基本组成部分,泛泛包含一分子核糖,一分子磷酸和一分子碱基。多个核苷酸通过磷酸二酯键结合成一条链状。 细胞核(Nucleos):真核细胞中的一种细胞器,内含遗传物资。 癌基因(Oncogene):一种梗概导致癌症的基因。许多致癌基因皆径直或障碍地控制细胞的成长速率。 噬菌体(phage):一种以细菌为宿主细胞的病毒。 物理图谱(Physics Map):物理图谱样子DNA上可以识别的符号的位置和彼此之间的距离(以碱基对的数量为权衡单元),这些可以识别的符号包括赔本性内切酶的酶切位点,基因等。物理图谱不斟酌两个符号共同遗传的概率等信息。关于东谈主类基因组来说,最粗的物理图谱是染色体的条带染色模式,最精细的图谱是测出DNA的完好碱基序列。 质粒(Plasmid):质粒是细菌的染色体外梗概自我复制的环状DNA分子。它梗概和细胞核中的染色体赫然地区别开来,而且并不是细胞糊口的必要物资。一些质粒允洽于引入到宿主细胞中去,并利用宿主细胞的DNA无数养殖,因此咱们时常领受质粒作为外源DNA的载体,外源DNA借助于质粒在宿主细胞中无数养殖。 多基因病(Polygenic Disorder):有多个基因位点共同决定的遗传病(如腹黑病、糖尿病、一些癌症等)。这类疾病的遗传由多个基因位点共同控制,因而比单基因病的遗传更为复杂。 多聚酶链式响应(PCR):一种体外扩增DNA的方法。PCR使用一种耐热的多聚酶,以及两个含有20个碱基的单链引物。经过高温变性将模板DNA分离成两条链,低温退火使得引物和一条模板单链结合,然后是中温延长,响应液的游离核苷酸紧接着引物从5‘端到3’端合成一条互补的新链。而新合成的DNA又可以不绝进行上述轮回,因此DNA的数量继续倍增。 多聚酶(Polymerase):多聚酶具有催化作用,梗概加速游离的核苷酸和DNA模板结合形成新链的响应速率。 多态性(Polymorphism):多个个体之间DNA的各异称为多态性。DNA变异概率卓越1%的变异,比拟允洽作为画图结合图谱的凭证。 引物(Primer):预先制备的比拟短的核苷酸链,在新链合成经过中作为引物,游离的核苷酸在引物之后按规律和模板上的碱基结合,形成新链。 原核生物(Prokaryote):原核生物莫得细胞膜,结构泄漏的核以过头他细胞器。细菌是原核生物。 探针(Probe):是一条DNA单链或者一条RNA链,具有特定的序列,况且使用放射性元素或者免疫特质物资进行符号。探针和克隆库中的某条互补片断结合成一条双链结构,咱们可以借助于探针的检测来获知与其互补的链的位置。 启动子(Promoter):DNA上的一个特定位点,RNA集结酶在此和DNA结合,并由此开动转录经过。 卵白质(Protein):一种由一条或者多条肽链组成的大分子。每条肽链上核苷酸的规律是由基因外显子部分的碱基序列决定的。卵白质是细胞、组织和器官的紧要组成部分,每种卵白质皆具有特定的功能。酶、抗体和激素等皆是卵白质。 嘌呤(Purine):一种含氮的单环结构物。是核苷酸的紧要组成部分,有腺嘌呤A和鸟嘌呤G两种。 嘧啶(Pyrimidine):一种含氮的双环结构,是核苷酸的紧要组成部分。分为胞嘧啶C,胸腺嘧啶T和尿嘧啶U三种。 重组克隆(Recombinant Clone):将不同起首的DNA片断合成在一个DNA分子中,这种时间称为重组,得到的分子为重组克隆。 DNA重组时间(Recombinant DNA Technology):在细胞体外将两个DNA片断结合成一个DNA分子的时间。在允洽的条目下,一个重组DNA分子梗概被引入到宿主细胞中并在宿主细胞中无数养殖。 调控序列(regulatory regions and sequence):一段控制基因抒发的DNA片断。 赔本性内切酶(Restriction enzyme, endonuclease):这种酶梗概识别出DNA上特定的碱基序列,并在这个位点将DNA酶切。细菌中有400中赔本性内切酶,梗概识别出100中DNA序列。 酶切位点(Restriction Enzyme cutting site):DNA上一段碱基的特定序列,赔本性内切酶梗概识别出这个序列并在此将DNA酶切成两段。 赔本性长度多态性(Restriction fragment length polymorphsm):从不同个体制备的DNA,使用销毁种赔本性内切酶酶切,切得的片断长度各不一样。酶切片断的长度可以作为物理图谱或者结合图谱中的符号子。泛泛是在酶切位点处发生突变而引发的。 核糖核酸RNA(Ribonucleic acid):从细胞的细胞核和细胞质部分分离出来的化学物资。在卵白质合成和其他生化响应中起着紧要作用,RNA的结构和DNA的结构肖似,皆是有核苷酸按照一定规律摆设成的长链。RNA可以分为信使RNA、转运RNA、核糖体RNA以过头他类型的RNA。 核糖体RNA(Ribonsomal RNA rRNA):存在于核糖体中的RNA。 核糖体(Ribonsome):细胞质中含有rRNA和相关卵白质的细胞器,是卵白质的合澄净象。 序诸君置标签(Sequence Tagged Site, STS):一段短的DNA序列(200-500个碱基对),这种序列在染色体上只出现一次,其位置和碱基规律皆是已知的。在PCR响应中可以检测处STS来,STS允洽于作为东谈主类基因组的一种地标,据此可以判定DNA的地方和特定序列的相对位置。ETS是cDNA上的STS。 性染色体(Sex Chromosome):在东谈主类细胞中是X或者Y染色体,性染色体决定了个体的性别。雌性细胞中含有两个X染色体,而雄性细胞中含有1个X染色体和1个Y染色体。 鸟枪法(Shotgun method):使用基因组中的惟恐产生的片断作为模板进行克隆的方法。 单基因病(Single Gene Disorder):一个基因的等位基因之间发生了突变变成的疾病。 体细胞(Somatic Cells):个体中除了生殖细胞过头母细胞之外的细胞,皆是体细胞。 ***重复序列(Tandem repeat sequences):在染色体上一段序列的屡次重复,称为***重复序列。常用来作为物理图谱中的符号子。 端粒(Telomere):是染色体的终端部分,这一非常结构区域关于线型染色体的结构和厚实起紧要作用。 转录(Transcription):以某一DNA链为模板,按照碱基互补原则形成一条新的RNA链的经过,是基因抒发的第一步。 转运RNA(tRNA):转运RNA具有非常的结构,其一端包含3个特定的核苷酸序列,能和信使RNA上的密码子按照碱基配对原则进行结合。另一端则带有一个氨基酸。因此转运RNA梗概同细胞质中游离的氨基酸结合并运到核糖体上,核糖体按mRNA上的遗传信息将氨基酸安装成卵白质。 转动(Transformation):将外源DNA整合到某一细胞基因组中的经过。。 翻译(Translation):mRNA上佩带的遗传信息指导卵白质的合成经过,称为翻译。 病毒(Virus):一种不具备细胞结构的生物体。只可寄生在宿主细胞中才能糊口。病毒一般包含核酸以及外壳卵白,有些动物的病毒的外面也偶尔粉饰一层细胞膜。病毒干预宿主细胞之后,利用宿主的合成机制复制出无数的后代。。 酵母菌东谈主工合成染色体(Yeast Artificial Chromosome):一种梗概克隆长达400Kb的DNA片断的载体,含有酵母细胞中必需的端粒、着丝点和复制肇端序列。(卜东波、伍树明翻译整理)好东西,储藏输尿管切开术uretero tomy 输尿管皮肤造瘘术cutaneous uretero stomy输尿管松解术uretero lysis 输尿管切开取石术uretero litho tomy输尿管造瘘术uretero stomy 输尿管口切开术ureteralmeato tomy输尿管2肠2皮肤尿流改谈术uretero2enterocutaneous diversion 输尿管回肠皮肤尿流改谈[术]uretero ileal cutaneous diversion断离性肾盂输尿管成形术dismembered ureteropelviop lasty 输尿管袢造瘘术loop uretero stomy输尿管肾盂吻合术ureteroneopyelo stomy 输尿管成形术ureterop lasty输尿管空肠皮肤尿流改谈术uretero jejunal cutaneous diversion 输尿管乙状结肠吻合术uretero sigmo ido stomy, uretero sigmo idanastomo sis输尿管切除术ureterectomy 输尿管结肠吻合术uretero2co lic anastomo sis输尿管输尿管吻合术ureterouretero stomy 输尿管膀胱吻合术ureteroneocysto stomy回盲肠皮肤尿流改谈术ileocecal cutaneous diversion 输尿管皮肤尿流改谈术uretero2cutaneous diversion阑尾输尿管成形术appendix ureterop lasty 输尿管腹膜包裹术uretero2peritonization输尿管移植[术] transp lantation of ureter 输尿管结石calculus of ureter输尿管梗阻ureteral obstruction 输尿管褊狭stricture of ureter输尿管肾盂结合处褊狭stricture of uretero2pelvic junction 输尿管口褊狭stricture of uretero2vesical o rifice输尿管绞痛ureteral co lic 巨输尿管2巨膀胱空洞征megaloureter2megalocystis syndrome输尿管子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of ureter 大网膜输尿管成形术omentoureterop lasty膀胱乖张defo rm ity of bladder 重复膀胱dup lication of bladder膀胱缺如agenesis of bladder 膀胱闭锁atresia of bladder, atretocystia膀胱膨出cystocele, vesicocele 膀胱脱垂p ro lap se of bladder膀胱外翻exstrophy of bladder 膀胱憩室diverticulum of bladder膀胱假性憩室false diverticulum of bladder 膀胱输尿管反流vesicoureteral reflux膀胱静脉曲张varix of bladder 膀胱损害injury of bladder膀胱挫伤contusion of bladder 膀胱碎裂rup ture of bladder腹膜内膀胱碎裂intraperitoneal rup ture of bladder 腹膜外膀胱碎裂extraperitoneal rup ture of bladder膀胱瘘vesical fistula 膀胱肠瘘vesicoenteric fistula膀胱直肠瘘vesico rectal fistula 膀胱阴谈瘘vesicovaginal fistula膀胱输尿管瘘vesicoureteral fistula 膀胱子宫瘘vesicouterine fistula细菌性膀胱炎bacterial cystitis 非特异性膀胱炎nonspecific cystitis间质性膀胱炎interstitial cystitis 非细菌性膀胱炎nonbacterial cystitis变应性膀胱炎allergic cystitis 气性膀胱炎emphysematous cystitis腺性膀胱炎glandular cystitis 化学性膀胱炎chem ical cystitis膀胱坏疽gangrene of bladder 坏疽性膀胱炎gangrenous cystitis淋巴滤泡性膀胱炎lympho2fo llicular cystitis 滤泡性膀胱炎fo llicular cystitis碱性痂块膀胱炎alkaline incrusted cystitis 膀胱三角区炎trigonitis膀胱疱疹herpes of bladder 膀胱真菌病myco sis of bladder念珠菌膀胱炎candida cystitis 膀胱梅毒syph ilis of bladder膀胱结核tuberculo sis of bladder 膀胱白斑病leukop lak ia of bladder囊性膀胱炎钙质千里着cystitis cystica calcino sa 膀胱肿瘤tumo r of bladder膀胱腺瘤adenoma of bladder 膀胱乳头状瘤pap illoma of bladder膀胱乳头状瘤病pap illomato sis of bladder 膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤inverted pap illoma of bladder膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤pheoch romocytoma of bladder 膀胱血管瘤hemangioma of bladder膀胱肌瘤myoma of bladder 膀胱癌carcinoma of bladder膀胱乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of bladder 膀胱原位癌bladder carcinoma in situ膀胱平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of bladder 膀胱平滑肌赘瘤leiomyo sarcoma of bladder膀胱间质瘤mesenchymal tumo r of bladder 膀胱移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of bladder膀胱鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of bladder 膀胱葡萄状赘瘤bo tryo id sarcoma of bladder膀胱淋巴赘瘤lympho sarcoma of bladder 膀胱赘瘤sarcoma of bladder膀胱腺癌adenocarcinoma of bladder 膀胱结石vesical calculus膀胱憩室结石calculus in diverticulum of bladder 膀胱碎石洗出术vesical litho lapaxy经尿谈膀胱颈切开术transureth ral vesical neck incision 耻骨上膀胱针刺招引术sup rapubic needle asp iration of bladder耻骨上膀胱造口术sup rapubic cysto stomy 耻骨上膀胱切开取石术sup rapubic cysto litho tomy膀胱憩室切除术vesical diverticulectomy 膀胱切开取石术cysto lithectomy, cysto litho tomy膀胱皮肤造口术cutaneous vesico stomy, cutaneouscysto stomy可控性回肠膀胱术continent ileal reservo ir, continentileo stomy, Kock pouch膀胱切除术cystectomy 膀胱部分切除术partial cystectomy膀胱全切除术to tal cystectomy 根治性膀胱切除术radical cystectomy膀胱尿谈吻合术vesicoureth ral anastomo sis 经皮膀胱造口术percutaneous cysto stomy膀胱防护irrigation of bladder 膀胱颈部Y2V 成形术Y2V p lasty of bladder neck经尿谈膀胱肿瘤切除术transureth ral resection of bladder tumo r 尿流改谈术diversion of urine, urinary diversion外尿流改谈术external urinary diversion 回肠造口术ileo stomy回肠膀胱术ileal conduit,Bricker operation 乙状结肠膀胱sigmo id conduit乙状结肠膀胱扩大术sigmo id augmentation cystop lasty,sigmo id cystop lasty回肠膀胱扩大术ileum augmentation cystop lasty, ileo2cystop lasty膀胱三角区乙状结肠吻合术trigono sigmo ido stomy 膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴魁梧hypertrophy of trigone and interuretericridge回肠膀胱尿流改谈术ileal conduit diversion 厚实性膀胱stable bladder直肠膀胱2结肠腹壁造口术rectal bladder and abdom inal co lo stomy 盲肠膀胱扩大术cecum augmentation cystop lasty, cecalcystop lasty髂腹股沟淋奉承切除术ilio inguinal lymphadenectomy 膀胱前哨腺切除术cystop ro statectomy 膀胱紫癜purpura of bladder 膀胱小梁形成trabeculation of bladder膀胱异物fo reign body in bladder 膀胱子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of bladder膀胱挛缩contracture of bladder 先天性膀胱颈挛缩congenital contracture of bladder neck尿谈乖张defo rm ity of ureth ra 尿谈褊狭ureth ral stricture尿谈口褊狭meatal steno sis 尿谈瓣膜ureth ral valve尿谈发育不全hypop lastic ureth ra 巨尿谈megaloureth ra尿谈膨出ureth rocele 尿谈上裂ep ispadias尿谈下裂hypo spadias 尿谈憩室ureth ral diverticulum女性尿谈下裂female hypo spadias 尿谈闭锁atresia of ureth ra重复尿谈dup lication of ureth ra 棱状巨尿谈fusifo rm megaloureth ra尿谈损害injury of ureth ra 尿谈皮肤瘘ureth rocutaneous fistula尿谈瘘ureth ral fistula 外伤性尿谈瘘traumatic ureth ral fistula尿谈直肠瘘ureth ro2rectal fistula 尿瘘urinary fistula尿谈阴谈瘘ureth ro2vaginal fistula 尿谈异物fo reign body in ureth ra尿性囊肿urinoma 尿谈结石calculus of ureth ra女性尿谈囊肿ureth ral cyst in female 压力性尿失禁stress incontinence神经源性膀胱neurogenic bladder 神经性膀胱nervous bladder机械性尿路梗阻mechanical obstruction of urinary tract 尿谈球腺疾病diseases of Cowper gland尿谈空洞征ureth ral syndrome 尿谈膨大ureth ral sounding尿谈丝状探子ureth ral filifo rm 尿谈炎ureth ritis尿谈球腺炎cowperitis 细菌性尿谈炎bacterial ureth ritis非特异性尿谈炎nonspecific ureth ritis 淋菌性尿谈炎gonococcal ureth ritis非淋菌性尿谈炎non2gonococcal ureth ritis 尿谈球腺脓肿abscess of Cowper gland滴虫性尿谈膀胱炎trichomonal ureth ro2cystitis 尿谈周围脓肿periureth ral abscess衣原体性尿谈炎ch lamydial ureth ritis 支原体性尿谈炎mycop lasmal ureth ritis尿谈尖锐湿疣condylomata acum inata of ureth ra 尿谈结核tuberculo sis of ureth ra尿谈球腺结核tuberculo sis of Cowper gland 尿谈肿瘤tumo r of ureth ra尿谈肉阜ureth ral caruncle 尿谈腺瘤adenoma of ureth ra尿谈息肉po lyp of ureth ra 女性尿谈纤维息肉fibrous po lyp s of female ureth ra尿谈血管瘤hemangioma of ureth ra 尿谈口血管瘤angioma of ureth ralmeatus尿谈球腺囊肿cyst of Cowper gland 尿谈球腺肿瘤tumo r of Cowper gland尿谈癌carcinoma of ureth ra 尿谈腺癌adenocarcinoma of ureth ra女性后天性尿谈粘膜宽恕囊肿acquired inclusion cyst of ureth ralep ithelium of female尿谈球腺腺癌adenocarcinoma of bulboureth ral gland尿谈刀ureth ro tome 尿谈成形术ureth rop lasty尿谈口切开术ureth ralmeato tomy 尿谈口成形术ureth ralmeatop lasty经尿谈尿谈瓣膜切除术transureth ral resection of ureth ral valve 压力性尿失禁悬吊术sling p rocedure fo r stress incontinence尿谈折叠术p lication operation of ureth ra 套入法尿谈成形术Badenoch ureth rop lasty尿谈膀胱悬吊术M arshall2M archetti2Kranz p rocedure,ureth rovesicopexy经尿谈男性尿谈癌切除术transureth ral resection of male ureth ralcarcinoma经尿谈外括约肌切开术transureth ral sph inctero tomy 尿谈口前移阴茎头成形术meatal advancement and glandular p lasty尿谈会师手术reconstruction of rup tured ureth ra byBank method斯塔米尿谈悬吊术Stamey p rocedure fo r stress urinary in2continence尿谈褊狭膨大术dilatation of ureth ral stricture 尿谈切开术ureth ro tomy尿谈切除术ureth rectomy 尿谈外切开术external ureth ro tomy尿谈内切开术internal ureth ro tomy 尿谈前移术ureth ral advancement尿流改谈收复术urinary undiversion 约翰松尿谈成形术Johanson ureth rop lasty尿谈膀胱吻合[术] ureth rovesical anastomo sis 下丘脑2垂体2性腺轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary2gonadal axis下丘脑2垂体2睾丸轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary2testicular axis 下丘脑2垂体轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary axis类脂性肾上腺增生lipo id adrenal hyperp lasia 纳尔逊空洞征N elson syndrome肾上腺切除术adrenalectomy 肾上腺剩余肿瘤adrenal rest tumo r肾上腺髓质增生症adrenalmedulla hyperp lasia 嗜铬细胞瘤pheoch romocytoma皮质醇增生症hyperco rtiso lism 原发性醛固酮[增多]症p rimary aldo steronism非肾上腺性女性假两性乖张nonadrenal female p seudoherma2ph roditism肾上腺非功能性皮质腺瘤nonfunctional adrenoco rtical adenoma肾上腺[性]性征空洞征adrenogenital syndrome 前哨腺囊肿cyst of p ro state前哨腺损害injury of p ro state 前哨腺静脉丛Santo rini venous p lexus前哨腺病p ro stato sis 前哨腺增生[症] hyperp lasia of p ro state变应性前哨腺病allergic p ro stato sis 前哨腺推拿massage of p ro state经尿谈前哨腺切除空洞征transureth ral p ro static resectionsyndrome血清前哨腺酸性磷酸酶p ro static fraction of serum acid pho s2phatase慢性前哨腺纤维化ch ronic fibro sis of p ro state 前哨腺液溢p ro stato rrhea前哨腺痛症p ro statodynia 前哨腺素p ro staglandin前哨腺炎p ro statitis 细菌性前哨腺炎bacterial p ro statitis放线菌性前哨腺炎actinomyco tic p ro statitis 寄生虫性前哨腺炎parasitic p ro statitis肉芽肿性前哨腺炎granulomatous p ro statitis 淋菌性前哨腺炎gonococcal p ro statitis滴虫性前哨腺炎trichomonal p ro statitis 前哨腺梅毒syph ilis of p ro state前哨腺结核tuberculo sis of p ro state, tuberculousp ro statitis前哨腺精囊包虫病ech inococcus disease of p ro state andsem inal vesicle前哨腺脓肿abscess of p ro state 前哨腺结石calculus of p ro state前哨腺肿瘤tumo r of p ro state 前哨腺腺瘤p ro static adenoma前哨腺子宫内膜样癌endometrio id carcinoma of p ro state 前哨腺淋巴赘瘤lympho sarcoma of p ro state前哨腺癌赘瘤carcino sarcoma of p ro state 前哨腺管内腺癌intraductal adenocarcinoma of p ro state前哨腺腺癌adenocarcinoma of p ro state 前哨腺赘瘤sarcoma of p ro state前哨腺癌carcinoma of p ro state 前哨腺移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of p ro state前哨腺切除术p ro statectomy 耻骨向前哨腺切除术sup rapubic p ro statectomy耻骨后前哨腺切除术retropubic p ro statectomy 经尿谈前哨腺切除[术] transureth ral p ro static resection经尿谈前哨腺切开[术] transureth ral incision of p ro state 外生殖器汗腺腺瘤syringoma of external genitalia经会阴前哨腺切除术perineal p ro statectomy 经会阴前哨腺全切除术to tal perineal p ro statectomy前哨腺冷冻术cryo surgery of p ro state 根治性前哨腺切除术radical p ro statectomy电切镜resecto scope 尿路上皮肿瘤uro thelial tumo r泌尿生殖膈urogenital diaph ragm 尿路病变uropathy尿路上皮uro thelium 尿路感染urinary tract infection尿路梗阻urinary tract obstruction 泌尿系异物fo reign body in urinary system泌尿生殖器外伤genitourinary trauma 泌尿生殖系统urogenital system泌尿生殖系软斑病malakop lak ia of genitourinary system 泌尿生殖系变应性疾病allergic diseases of genitourinary system泌尿生殖系寄生虫病parasito sis of genitourinary system 泌尿系子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of urinary system泌尿生殖系X 线影相术roentgenography of genitourinary system 泌尿生殖窦urogenital sinus精囊囊肿cyst of sem inal vesicle 精液囊肿sem inal cyst, spermatocele精索皮样囊肿dermo id cyst of spermatic co rd 输精管缺如absence of vas deferens重复输精管dup lication of vas deferens 精索扭转to rsion of spermatic co rd输精管乖张defo rm ity of vas deferens 精索静脉曲张varicocele肾嗜酸细胞瘤renal oncocytoma 肾纤维脂肪瘤样病renal fibro lipomato sis肾神经鞘瘤schwannoma of kidney 肾异种组织肿瘤heterop lastic tissue tumo r of kidney肾窦脂肪瘤样病renal sinus lipomato sis 肾盂肿瘤tumo r of renal pelvis肾盂乳头状瘤pap illoma of renal pelvis 肾癌renal carcinoma肾骨子癌carcinoma of renal parenchyma 肾细胞癌renal cell carcinoma肾透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma of kidney 肾颗粒细胞癌granular cell carcinoma of kidney肾腺癌adenocarcinoma of kidney 肾母细胞瘤W ilm s tumo r, neph roblastoma横纹肌样肾母细胞瘤rhabdomyo idW ilm s tumo r 肾赘瘤sarcoma of kidney肾淋巴赘瘤lympho sarcoma of kidney 肾平滑肌赘瘤leiomyo sarcoma of kidney肾脂肪赘瘤lipo sarcoma of kidney 肾盂癌carcinoma of renal pelvis肾盂鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis 肾盂乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of renal pelvis肾切开术neph ro tomy 肾切开取石术neph ro litho tomy肾盂切开术pyelo tomy 肾盂切开取石术pyelo litho tomy凝血块肾盂切开取石术coagulum pyelo litho tomy 扩大的肾盂切开取石术extended pyelo litho tomy非萎缩性肾切开取石术anatroph ic neph ro litho tomy 肾2肾盂造瘘术neph ropyelo stomy肾切除术neph rectomy 肾部分切除术partial neph rectomy经皮肾造瘘术percutaneous neph ro stomy 肾盂造瘘术pyelo stomy肾造瘘术neph ro stomy 自截肾autoneph rectomy根治性肾切除术radical neph rectomy 包膜下肾切除术subcap sular neph rectomy肾盂输尿管松解术pelviouretero lysis 肾2输尿管切除术neph ro2ureterectomy肾盏成形术calicop lasty 肾固定术neph ropexy肾血管重建术reno2vascular reconstruction 肾离体术bench technique of kidney肾蒂淋巴管剥脱术stripp ing of renal lymphatic vessel 肾门上淋奉承切除术sup rah ilar lymphadenectomy腹膜后淋奉承切除术retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy 脾肾动脉吻合术sp leno2renal arterial anastomo sis肾病灶撤废术renal caverno stomy 剖腰探查术exp lo rato ry lumbo tomy肾动脉栓塞术embo lization of renal artery 血管梗塞性肾切除angio infarction2neph rectomy肾鹿角状结石stagho rn stone of kidney 肾钙斑Randall p laques肾萎缩renal atrophy 肾失用性萎缩disuse atrophy of kidney肾动脉纤维增生病fibrop lasia of renal artery 肾紫癜purpura of kidney迪特尔危象D ietl crisis 血管畅通性肾病vasomo to r neph ropathy莱特尔空洞征Reiter syndrome 肾小球血流能源学glomerular hemodynam ics输尿管膨大dilatation of ureter, ureterectasis 输尿管发育不良ureteral dysp lasia巨输尿管megaloureter 发育不良性巨输尿管dysp lastic megaloureter输尿管乖张defo rm ity of ureter 输尿管闭锁atresia of ureter先天性异位输尿管congenital ectop ic ureter 重复输尿管dup lication of ureter重复肾盂dup lication of pelvis 分叉型输尿管bifid ureter输尿管口异位ectop ia of ureteral o rifice 输尿管发育不全ureteral hypop lasia远段输尿管不发育distal ureteral ap lasia 输尿管缺如agenesis of ureter腔静脉后输尿管retrocaval ureter 髂动脉后输尿管retro iliac ureter, p reureteral iliac artery输尿管脱垂p ro lap se of ureter, ureterocele 盲端异位输尿管膨出blind ectop ic ureterocele正常位输尿管膨出o rtho top ic ureterocele 输尿管憩室diverticulum of ureter输尿管积水hydroureter 输尿管肾盂结合处梗阻obstruction at ureteropelvic junction先天性巨输尿管congenitalmegaloureter 反流性巨输尿管reflux megaloureter输尿管损害injury of ureter 输尿管肠瘘uretero2enteric fistula输尿管瘘ureteral fistula 输尿管阴谈瘘uretero2vaginal fistula输尿管炎ureteritis 输尿管周围炎periureteritis囊性输尿管炎ureteritis cystica 颗粒性输尿管炎ureteritis granulo sa输尿管结核tuberculo sis of ureter 输尿管白斑病leukop lak ia of ureter输尿管梅毒syph ilis of ureter 输尿管放线菌病actinomyco sis of ureter输尿管息肉po lyp of ureter 输尿管肿瘤tumo r of ureter输尿管乳头状瘤pap illoma of ureter 输尿管癌carcinoma of ureter输尿管移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of ureter 输尿管乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of ureter肾盂源性囊肿pyelogenic cyst 肾钙化囊肿calcified cyst of kidney肾盂旁囊肿parapelvic cyst 肾旁假囊肿pararenal p seudocyst肾周围囊肿perineph ric cyst 肾盂周围囊肿peripelvic cyst肾出血性囊肿hemo rrhagic cyst of kidney 肾小球囊肿病glomerulocystic disease肾损害injury of kidney 肾挫伤contusion of kidney肾裂伤laceration of kidney 肾碎裂rup ture of kidney肾蒂断裂rup ture of renal pedicle 肾穿透伤penetrating injury of kidney肾小管碎裂tubulo rrhexis 肾梗死infarction of kidney, renal infarction穹窿静脉瘘fo rnico2venous fistula 肾盂毛细血管膨大症telangiectasis of renal pelvis肾积水hydroneph ro sis 高大肾积水giant hydroneph ro sis肾内肾积水intrarenal hydroneph ro sis 肾小管反流renal tubular backflow肾盂间质反流pyelo interstitial backflow 肾盂静脉反流pyelovenous backflow肾盂淋巴反流pyelo lymphatic backflow 肾单元肾小球滤过率neph ron glomerular filtration rate腺性肾盂炎pyelitis glandularis 囊性肾盂炎pyelitis cystica气性肾盂肾炎emphysematous pyeloneph ritis 黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎xanthogranulomatous pyeloneph ritis细菌性肾盂肾炎bacterial pyeloneph ritis 肾积脓pyoneph ro sis肾脓肿renal abscess 肾皮质脓肿co rtical abscess of kidney肾皮质坏死co rtical necro sis of kidney 肾髓质坏死medullary necro sis of kidney肾痈renal carbuncle 病感性肾结核patho logical renal tuberculo sis临床肾结核clinical renal tuberculo sis 肾盏结核tuberculo sis of calyx肾结查对侧肾积水renal tuberculo sis w ith contralateral hy2droneph ro sis肾错构瘤hamartoma of kidney, angiomyo lipomaof kidney脓性肾积水pyohydroneph ro sis 肾淀粉样变性amylo ido sis of kidney膀胱淀粉样变性amylo ido sis of bladder 坏死性肾乳头炎necro tizing pap illitis of kidney肾盂白斑病leukop lak ia of renal pelvis 镰状细胞肾病sick le cell neph ropathy海绵肾medullary sponge kidney 急性尿酸盐肾病acute urate neph ropathy肾肿瘤tumo r of kidney 肾良性肿瘤benign renal tumo r肾平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of kidney 肾假性瘤p seudo tumo r of kidney多房性囊性肾瘤multilocular cystic neph roma 肾盂血管瘤hemangioma of renal pelvis肾血管瘤hemangioma of kidney 肾动脉瘤aneurysm of renal artery肾血管外表细胞瘤renal hemangiopericytoma 肾脂肪瘤lipoma of kidney肾皮质腺瘤renal co rtical adenoma 肾纤维瘤renal fibroma中胚叶肾瘤mesoblastic neph roma 肾淋巴瘤renal lymphoma肾淋巴母细胞瘤renal lymphoblastoma 肾腺瘤adenoma of kidney肾素瘤reninoma, juxtaglomerular cell tumo r 肾门脂肪瘤样病lipomato sis of renal h ilus肾恶性纤维组织细胞瘤malignant fibrous h istiocytoma ofkidney肾盂移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of renalpelvis本词汇为转贴的好是好,赶上背字典了.嘿嘿.好贴!必顶!讨教各位真诚,“纵向叩击痛”若何翻译,求教。纵向叩击痛 length wise percussion pain俺也蕴蓄一些词汇,但愿与公共分享中英文大学课程对照表:应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学时间 Medical Technology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine 生物学 Biology 照顾麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery 海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences 微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine 分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology 医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy 口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine 寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology 植物生物学 Plant Physiology 防卫医学 Preventive Medicine 模样生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology 放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复顾问学 Rehabilitation Counseling 表面生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复照顾学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科照顾学 Surgical Nursing 环境生物学 Environmental Biology 诊治学 Therapeutics 畅通生物学 Exercise Physiology 乖张学 Teratology 有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences 生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences 生物物理学Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry 生物模样学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology 生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology 生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics 生物化学 Biological Chemistry 剖解学 Anatomy 生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia 生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science 生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床模样学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology 精神病照顾学 Psychiatric Nursing培植进程词汇education 学历 educational background 培植进程 educational history 学历 curriculum 课程 major 主修 minor 副修 educational highlights 课程要点部分 curriculum included 课程包括 specialized courses 挑升课程 courses taken 所学课程 courses completed 所学课程 special training 非常锻练 social practice 社会实践 part-time jobs 业余职责 summer jobs 暑期职责 vacation jobs 假期职责 refresher course 进修课程 extracurricular activities 课外行为 physical activities 体育行为 recreational activities 文娱行为 academic activities 学术行为 social activities 社会行为 rewards 奖励 scholarship 奖学金 "Three Goods" student 三勤学生 excellent League member 优秀团聚 excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会 off-job training 脱产培训 in-job training 在职培训 educational system 学制 academic year 学年 semester 学期(好意思) term 学期 (英) president 校长 vice-president 副校长 dean 院长 assistant dean 副院长 academic dean 教务长 department chairman 系主任 professor 老师 associate professor 副老师 guest professor 客座老师 lecturer 讲师 teaching assistant 助教 research fellow 研究员 research assistant 助理研究员 supervisor 论文导师 principal 中学校长(好意思)headmaster 中学校长(英)master 小学校长 (好意思) dean of studies 教务长 dean of students 指示主任 dean of students 指示主任teacher 教师 probation teacher 代课教师 tutor 家庭教师 governess 女家庭教师 intelligence quotient 智商pass 合格 fail 不足格 marks 分数 grades 分数 scores 分数 examination 考试 grade 年级 class 班级 monitor 班长 vice-monitor 副班长 commissary in charge of studies 学习委员 commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员 commissary in charge of sports 体育委员 commissary in charge of physical labor 行状委员 Party branch secretary 党支部布告 League branch secretary 团支部布告 commissary in charge of organization 组织委员 commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员 degree 学位 post doctorate 博士后 doctor (Ph.D) 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 student 学生 graduate student 研究生 abroad student 留学生returned student 归国留学生 foreign student 异邦粹生 undergraduate 大学肆业生senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生 Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生 sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生 freshman 大学一年级学生 guest student 旁听生(英) auditor 旁听生(好意思) government-supported student 公费生 commoner 私费生 extern 走读生 day-student 走读生 intern 实习生 prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 投止生 classmate 同班同学 schoolmate 同校同学 graduate 毕业生职责经历词汇accomplish 完成(任务等)achievements 职责设置,事迹adapted to 稳当于adept in 善于administer 不竭advanced worker 先进职责者 analyze 分析appointed 被任命的assist 辅助authorized 委任的;核准的 be promoted to 被提高为 be proposed as 被提名为;被保举为behave 发达breakthrough 惊东谈主的进展,要害问题的搞定break the record 冲突记录business background 职责经历business experience 职责经历business history 职责经历 conduct 筹谋,处理control 控制cost 资本;用度create 创造decrease 减少demonstrate 讲授,示范design 想象develop 开发,阐述devise 想象,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番 duties 职责earn 得回,赚取effect 成果,作用eliminate 摈斥employment experience职责经历employment record 职责经历employment 职责enlarge 扩大enliven 搞活enrich 使丰富establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立evaluation 估价,评价excellent League member 优秀团聚 excellent Party member 优秀党员execute 实行,实施 expand 引申;扩大expedite 加速;促进experience 经历exploit开发(资源,产物)export 出口found 创立generate 产生good at 擅长于 guide 指导;掌握implement 完成,实施import 入口improve 改进,提高increase 增多influence 影响initiate 创始,始创innovate 改良,创新inspired 受启发的;受饱读励的 install 安装integrate 使结合;使一体化introduce 领受,引进invent 发明 invest 投资 job title 职位justified 经讲授的;正当化的 launch 开办(新企业) lead 率领lengthen 延长lessen 减少(坐褥资本)level 水平localize 使地方化maintain 保持;维修make 制造manage 不竭,筹谋manufacture 制造mastered 精通的modernize 使当代化motivate 促进,引发 negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名的;被任命的 occupational history 职责经历operate 操作,开动(机器等),筹谋(厂矿)organize 组织 originate 创始,发明 overcome 克服(不毛等) participate in 参加perfect 使完善;改善 perform 实践,履行plan 霸术 position 职位professional history 行状经历 professional 行状经历profit 利润promote 坐褥,制造promote 倾销(商品);创立(企业)等 provide 提供,供应raise 提高reach 达到realize 杀青(见解等);得回(利润)receive 收到,得到,收受recognize 认清(职责等)recommended 被保举的;被先容的 reconsolidate 从头巩固;从头整顿reconstruct 重建 recorded 记载的recover 回应;弥补 rectify 整顿,调整redouble 加倍,倍增 reduce 减少,缩短(资本等)refine 圣洁,精制 reform 改良regenerate 更新,使新生registered 已注册的 regularize 使系统化 regulate 控制(用度等) rehandle 重铸;从头处理 rehash 以新步地处理(旧材料)reinforce 加强reckon 筹备(资本等)renew 重建,换新renovate 创新;修理 repair 确立,修补replace 接替,替换 representative 代表,代理东谈主research 拜访,研究resolve 搞定responsibilities 职责second job 第二行状set 创造(记录等)settle 搞定(问题等)shorten 减低......着力show 败露,标明 significant 紧要的,灵验的simplify 简化,精简 solve 搞定sort out 算帐specific experience 具体经历speed up 加速 sponsor 主持spread 传播,扩大 standard 圭臬,规格 streamline 把......想象流线型strengthen 加强,巩固 study 研究succeed 奏凯 supervise 监督,不竭supply 供给,餍足(需要) systematize 使系统化target 见解,讨论 test 试验,试验top 头等的,最高的 total 总和,总额translate 翻译,转动 travel 旅行unify 使成一体,融合 use 使用,运用useful 有用的 utilize 利用 valuable 有价值的vivify 使活跃 well-trained 洋洋洒洒的work experience 职责经历 work history 职责经历work 职责,起作用working model 行状表率 worth 使......钱的,有......价值的 个东谈主品性词汇able 有才干的,颖慧的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 稳当性强的 adroit 聪慧的,蛮横的 aggressive 有高出心的 alert 机灵的ambitious 有志在千里的 amiable 和气可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有领略力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 果敢的,有冒险精神的 capable 有武艺的,有才能的 careful 行状仔细的 candid 耿直的 charitable 宽厚的 competent 能胜任的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 雅致的,自发的 considerate 矜恤的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好千里想的 cooperative 有团结精神的 creative 富创造力的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 练习的,有战略的 disciplined 守治安的 discreet (在行动,言语等方面)严慎的 dutiful 守法的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 雅致的 well-educated 受过致密培植的 efficient 灵验率的 energetic 精神焕发的 enthusiastic 充满关爱的 expressive 善于抒发 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful (性格)刚劲的 frank 鲠直的,真诚的 friendly 友好的 frugal 俭朴的 generous 宽厚无数的 genteel 有教育的 gentle 有礼貌的 hard-working 辛苦的 hearty 精神饱胀的 honest 敦厚的hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 humorous 幽默的 impartial 公平的 independent 有主见的 industrious 辛劳的ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 独创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋 intellective 有武艺的intelligent 领略力强的 inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的 just 耿直的kind-hearted 好心的 knowledgeable 有眼力的 learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心怀宽大的 logical 档次分明的 loyal 忠诚耿耿的 methodical 有方法的 modest 谦卑的 motivated 目的明确的objective 客不雅的 open-minded 辞谢的 orderly 守治安的 original 有独创性的 painstaking 辛劳的,苦干的,刻苦的 practical 试验的 precise 一点不苟的 persevering 回击不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志刚劲的 qualified 合格的 rational 有感性的 realistic 粉墨登场的reasonable 讲真理的 reliable 实在赖的 responsible 负责的 self-conscious 自发的 selfless 忘我的 sensible 明白理由的sincere 真诚的 smart 留神的 spirited 不满勃勃的 sporting 光明梗直的 steady 扎实的 straightforward 安分的 strict 严格的 systematic 有系统的 strong-willed 意志刚劲的 sweet-tempered 脾性随和的 temperate 矜重的 tireless 好学不厌的 英文简历的基本内容1. 个情面况:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permaanent Domicile, Nationality, Martial Status, Children, Religion, Party Affiliation, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address.2. 行状意向:Objective/or: Position Wanted: A position as English Instructor, preferably handling students from the intermediate to the advanced levels3.资格: QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing.4.经历(Job Experience):一般逆序写。Job Experience5/86-12/86 University of California Press, Berkeley, CaliforniaEditorial and Marketing Trainee5/86-8/86 Wyatt and Duncan Interiors, Berkeley, CaliforniaSales Clerk5. 文化进程(Education):一般逆序写,可以包括主要课程。举例:Master of Science with concentration in Electronics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from Sept.,1985 to June, 1987Bechelor of ScienceBeijing University, Department of Electrical Engineering, from Sept.,1981 to July, 19856.时间资格与特长(Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills)7.文章及专利(Publications and Patents)8.社会行为(Social Activity)9.荣誉与奖励(Honours and Awards)10.醉心及好奇瞻仰好奇瞻仰(Hobbies and Interests)11.讲授东谈主(References) 中英文职位对照表Health and Medical(医学与健康) Clinical Director 医疗主任 Cardiologist 腹黑病大家 Dental Hygienist 牙科保健 Chiropractor 脊椎指压诊治者 Dental Technician 牙科技师 Dental Assistant 牙科助理 Dietary Technician 食疗技师 Dentist 牙科医师 Emergency Medical Technician 急诊技师 Dietician 饮食大家 Fitness Instructor 健好意思师 Home Health Aide 家庭照顾 Health Services Coordinator 健康服务和谐员 Lab Technician 实验技师 Hospital Supervisor 病院不竭员 Nurse 照料 Medical Records Clerk 病历员 Nursing Aide 看守助手 Medical Technologist 医疗大家 Nursing Supervisor 照料长 Nursing Administrator 看守员 Nutritionist 养分学家 Nursing Home Manager 家护不竭员 Optician 眼科医师 Occupational Therapist 行状疗法 Orthodontist 整牙医师 Veterinary Assistant 助理兽医 Pharmacist 药学师 Pharmacy Technician 药品技师 Psychiatrist 精神病医师 Physical Therapist 理疗师 Surgeon 外科医师 Physician's Assistant 助理医师 Veterinarian 兽医 Respiratory Therapist 有氧诊治师 Pediatrician 儿科医师 Speech Pathologist 语言模样学家 Education and Library Science(培植部分) Daycare Worker 保育员 ESL Teacher 第二外语教师 Developmental Educator 发展培植家 Head Teacher 高等教师 Foreign Language Teacher 外语教师 Librarian 史籍不竭员 Guidance Counselor 指导顾问人 Music Teacher 音乐教师 Library Technician 史籍不竭员 Nanny 保姆 Physical Education Teacher 物理教师 Principal 校长 School Psychologist 模样顾问教师 Teacher 教师 Special Needs Educator 特种培植家 Teacher Aide 助理教师 Art Instructor 艺术教师 Computer Teacher 筹备机教师 College Professor 大学老师 Coach 西宾员 Assistant Dean of Students 助理教学长 Archivist 档册撑持员 Vocational Counselor 行状顾问人 Tutor 家教、诱导教师 Executive and Managerial(不竭部分) Retail Store Manager 零卖店司理 Food Service Manager 食物服务司理 Executive Marketing Director 商场行政总监 HMO Administrator 医疗保障不竭 Assistant Store Manager 商店司理助理 Operations Manager 操作司理 Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Production Manager 坐褥司理 Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席实践官 Property Manager 房地产司理 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 Branch Manager 部门司理 Controller(International) 外洋监管 Claims Examiner 主考官 Director of Operations 运营总监 Controller(General) 不竭员 Field Assurance Coordinator 地盘担保和谐员 General Manager 总司理 Management Consultant 不竭顾问人 District Manager 市区司理 Hospital Administrator 病院不竭 President 总统 Import/Export Manager 相差口司理 Product Manager 产物司理 Insurance Claims Controller 保障认领不竭员 Program Manager 形态不竭司理 Insurance Coordinator 保障和谐员 Project Manager 名目司理 Inventory Control Manager 库存不竭司理 Regional Manager 区域司理 Manager(Non-Profit and Charities) 非盈利性慈善机构不竭 Service Manager 服务司理 Manufacturing Manager 制造业司理 Vending Manager 售买司理 Telecommunications Manager 电信业司理 Vice-President 副总裁 Transportation Manager 输送司理 Warehouse Manager 仓库司理 Legal and Protective Services( 法律部分) Police Officer 差人 Fire Fighter 消防员 Police Sergeant 警官 Guard 保卫 Assistant Attorney General 首席检验官助理 Law Clerk 法律职员 Contracts Manager 条约不竭员 Law Student 功令学生 Ombudsman 反贪拜访员 Paralegal 讼师专职助手 Security Manager 保安司理 Patent Agent 专利代理商 Legal Assistant 法律助理 Court Officer 法庭保卫 Legal Secretary 法律秘书 Court Reporter 法庭记者 Attorney 讼师主诉 chief complaints现病史 present illness / history of present illness既往史 past medical history眷属史 family history 个东谈主病史 personal history / social history曾用药物 medications过敏史 allergies系统回归 system review / review of system体检 physical examination 一般贵寓 physical data 生理讨论physical signs 一般景色或全身景色 general appearance 头眼与耳鼻喉 head ,eyes,ear,nose,throat ,略作heent.胸部与心肺 CHEST,heart,and lungs腹部 abodoms算作extremities神经系统nervous system,Neurological,略作CNC或Neuro,骨骼肌系统 Musculoskeletal泌尿生殖系统 Genitourinary化验室贵寓laboratory data/ studies /diagnosis血液查验 blood test 化学7项讨论 chem.-7心脑电图 electrocardiogram / electroencephalogram , 略作 EKG/EEGX线查验与x光片 X-ray examination, x-ray slides,筹备机X线断层扫描与核磁共振扫描贵寓 computerized x-ray tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy dta. CT AND NMR其他查验贵寓 other lab data印象与会诊 impression and diagnosis入院诊治情况 hospital course 出院医嘱 discharge instructions / recommendations出院后用药 discharge medicationsName……………..Age…………….Sex……………..Marital status …………Race …………….Nationality …………………. Occupation …………………Residence………………………………………………………………………….Chief complaint……………………………………………………………………. Present illness:…………………………………………………………………… Past history: General health up to onset of present illness, immunization, exposure to tuberculosis and other infections. Previous illness: Influenza, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy, tonsillitis, rheumatism orsheumatic fever, cholera, tuberculosis, malaria or any other severe disorders. Operations: Date of each operation, nature, anesthetics used, complications and length of time patient incapacilted. Injuries: Details concerning any severe injuries .Personal history: Birth place, former places of residence, habits.Marital history:Family history:Social history:Physical examination:Temperature… …pulse rate… .respiratory rate…… blood pressure…….height ………… weight …………..General appearance: Appearance ……physical development ……..nutrition…..status………….posture…………..gait… Tremors or other abnormal movements.Mental status: degree of consciousness…………….cooperation……………. orientation………… emotional state…………………Skin color…………..texture…………….moisture………..hair-distribution…………character of scalp………………..Face: appearance…………color………..tenderness……………… abnormal movements………………Eyes: Brows…….lids…..vision………….eyeballmotion …….prominencetension……conjunctivae………sclerae……..corneae………..irises………….pupils……………..size……………shape………….regularity……………….reactions…………fields………fundiEars: appearance……hearing…….tenderness…….discharge……….drums …canals…………….postauricular swelling or tenderness Nose: appearance ……..discharge… ………nasal cavity …………septum transillumination……………..smell…….Mouth: Breath……………lips …………color…………fissure………….lesions Tongue: tremor…..deviation………..color……..moisture……….texture……………..Gingivae:color…………….texture……….recession…………bleeding…………….Lesions: Teeth-number… ….condition… …dentures… ….buccal mucus color eruptions…….lesions……Throat: palate and uvula ……………….pillars………..tonsils………… posterior pharynx………larynx…………..Neck: lymphnodes…………….scars………thyroid……….salivary glands………. position……….motion………veins…..pulsation…edema……..trachea……………..Shoulder girdle: deformity……….swelling………….tenderness…………. freedom of movements………….muscle spasm………………. supraclavicular or infraclavicular lymphnodes………………………Arms and Hands: position……..deformities…………color………………….tenderness……………muscle strength………………. abnormal motions ..joints: edema………… freedom of movements…….temperature………… moisture………..local swellings……….vessels …………. epitrochlear lymphnodes………fingers………….nails …………..reflexes Breasts:size………contour……….tenderness…………….masses……….glandular consistency………nipples…………skin color texture……………retraction………..Axillae:skin……….hair……..lymphnodes……….Back:deformities………freedom of movements…….skin ……….swelling……. tenderness…………muscle spasm………..scapulae………..Thorax: shape……..respiratory movements……….swelling…. pulsation Heart: apex impulse location…………character………..thrill………….. measurements: right border…….left border……….supracardiac dullness………..mid clavicular ilne………souds-rate….. rhythm………..intensity……..quality of murmurs………..pulses………..character……….condition of temporal, brachial, radial vessels Lungs: resonance………..diaphragmatic excursion…… ……tactile fremitus……….. breath sounds… …….whispered voic sounds……..spoken voice sounds rales………..Abdomen: size………shape…….scars …………tension…….percussion note masses tenderness……….spasm………….pulsation……….umbilicus…….fluid wave………..shifting dullness………liver-dulness……….edge…….. spleen ………….kidneys………..costovertebral tenderness………herniae peristalsis: audible …..visible……bladder-dulness……….. palpable distension ……inguinal lymphnodes…..reflexes……Legs and Feet: Position…………deformities……….color……………..tenderness…………muscle strength………….abnormal motions………..freedom of movements joints ……edema……..temperature…………moisture… ……local swellings ulcerations…………vessels…………arches……….toes..Nails…….reflexes……..clonus………Kerning…….Romberg…….Male Genitalia: Pubic hair… …penis… …..scrotum… …testicles .epididymis cords Female Genitalia: pubic hair…..vulva……..vagina…….perineum……..cervix………..fundus…………..vaults…….Rectum: anal orifice….sphincter tone…..fissures………hemorrhoids……..tendernessinternal obstruction …..masses…….prostate…..tenderness….Other abnormal findings:…………Recapitulation of important variants:………. Impression……. Signature………………MEDICAL RECORDName: Chang Shuqin Occupation: WorkerSex: Female Dwelling place: Number 2 , in Liulijingxili, in BeijingAge: 45-year-old Admission date: December 16, 2003Nationality: the Han nationality Noting date: December 16, 2003Marriage: Married Relater: The patient herselfNative place: Beijing Reliability: ReliableCHIEF COMPLANTThis 45-year-old married mother of one has had upper quadrant pain for one day.HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESSThe patient had a severe colic in the upper quadrant of her abdomen yesterday, radiating to her back, without obvious reasons. She had nausea and vomiting at that time, and the content of vomiting was the entogastric contents, without the food of the previous night and coffee matter. She felt windy at that time, with eructation. She had no fever, heart-throb or sweat. She has no current or past history of jaundice. Her exhaust was just well without stools from that time on. She then came to the emergency room to look for the medical treatment. Then and there, the result of the examination of her serum amylase was 996U/L, and the ultrasonic examination showed cholecystitis in acute period. She took the therapies of forbidding eating and drinking, lessening spasm, lessening pain, restraining the secretion of gastro-acid and supplementing of body fluid. She feels well now after above therapies. She is admitted to hospital for more treatment today.PAST MEDICAL HISTORYChildhood illness: No mumps, chickenpox, measles, rheumatic fever or scarlet fever.Adult illness: Suffered from pancreatitis, cholecystitis and chololith 9 years ago. The nephrolith was found by ultrasonic examination 9 years ago.Trauma: None significant.Surgery: None significant.Allergies: Allergy to Penicillin.Medications: None at present.Travel: Never outside Beijing.Habits: Has never smoked tobacco or cannabis. Has never drunk. No illicit drugs. Regular diet, 3 meals a day.Immunizations: Does not remember childhood shots.MENSES HISTORYMenarche age 15. Period light flow for 7 10 days every 30 days and regular, without dysmenorrhea. Last period normal, ended December 2, G2P1A1.FAMILY HISTORYHer father was died of cerebral hemorrhage, and her mother was died when she was very young. No family history of renal disease, liver disease, hypertension, anemia, tuberculosis.SOCIAL HISTORYShe was born and raised in Beijing, where she married her current husband. She has married for about 17 years, and the relationship between her husband and her is harmony now. She has a 16-year-old daughter.PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONT 36.2℃ R 20bpm P 80bpm BP 130/80mmHgGeneral: Normal development, fairly nutriture, ortho-sthenic type, painful facial features, clear consciousness, active position.Skin: Warm, dry and well elasticity. No cyanosis, stained yellow, pigmentation, skin eruption, palmer erythema or spider angioma.Nodes: No enlargement.Head:Skull: Normocephalic, without trauma. No scars or tenderness. Black and lustrous hair.Eyes: Conjunctivae normal. No scleral icterus. Lids without lesions. Pupils equal, round, and react to light and accommodation. Vision grossly normal. Visual fields full to confrontation. Extraocular motions full, without strabismus or nystagmus. Fundus shows normal discs and vasculature. No arteriovenous nicking, silver-wiring, hemorrhage, or exudates.Ears: Auricle normal. No puriform or haemoid secretion from external auditory canal. No tenderness over mastoid. Audition normal.Nose: No abnormality. No nasal ala flap, obstruction, puriform or haemoid secretion. No tenderness over nasal sinuses.Mouth: Lips, buccal mucosa without cyanopathy or lesions. Tongue well papillated, pink, midline. Teeth in good repair. Uvula midline. Oropharynx without inflammation or lesions. Bilateral tonsils without enlargement.Neck: Supple. Trachea midline. Thyroid not enlarged and without nodules. Jugular veins flat. Venous pulses normal. Chest and lungs: Chest wall contour normal, with symmetrical full expansion. No rib tenderness to palpation. Tactile fremitus normal. Diaphragmatic excursion 6 cm bilaterally. No percussion dullness. Lungs are clear to auscultation. No rubs heard.Heart: No visible lifts. Point of maximal impulse palpable 1cm inside the L midclavicular line in the 5th intercostal space. No palpable thrills, lifts, heaves. Rhythm regular, rate 80. S1 and S2 normal. No murmur or rubs.Abdomen: Flat. No scars or visible masses. Venous pattern normal. Bowel sounds normal. No hepatic or splenic rubs. No bruits. Tenderness in epigastrium without rebound tenderness. Liver and spleen not palpable, without tenderness or thump pain, without positive Murphy’s sign. No shifting dullness or fluid wave. No hernia.Pudendum and anus: NormalBack: No abnormality. No tenderness. Full range of motion spine.Extremities: No acropachy, muscular atrophy or varicosity. Full range of motion articulus without tumefaction, tenderness or abnormality. No edema.Neurologic: Corneal reflex, abdominal wall reflex, plantar reflex, biceps reflex, triceps reflex, radioperiosteal reflex, knee reflex and Achilles jerk normal. Babinski’s sign, Oppenheim’s sign, Gordon’s sign, Hoffmann’s sign, Kernig’s sign and Brudzinski’s sign negative.LABORATORY FINDINGSUltrasonic examination: Cholecystitis in acute period.Serum amylase: 996U/LIMPRESSIONSAcute pancreatitis.Acute cholecystitis. Wang Na, Interne(网友自写)这些是我这几年来网罗到的,固然未几,帖出来与公共分享吧。嘿嘿,我是生手,得一分真侵犯易啊,斑竹可否加我一分,谢谢啦!一、黄疸的暗示方法• [Latent (occult) jaundice] 隐性黄疸• [Clinical jaundice] 显性黄疸• [Nuclear icterus] 核黄疸• [Physiologic icterus] 生感性黄疸• [Icterus simplex] 传染性黄疸• [Toxemic icterus] 中毒性黄疸• [Hemolytic] 溶血性• [Hepatocellular] 肝细胞性• [Obstructive] 抨击性• [Congenital] 先天性• [Familial] 眷属性• [Cholestatic] 胆汁淤积性• [Hematogenous] 血源性• [Malignant] 恶性• [Painless] 无痛性二、起病方式•急性腹痛[acute abdominal pain]•慢性低热[chronic lower fever]•暴发性发病[the onset was fulminating]•骤起胸痛[an explosive onset of chest pain]•倏得起病伴高热[the onset was sudden with high fever]•突发突止[attacks began and ended abruptly]•因……而倏得起病[the attack is precipitated by……]•很快发生晕厥[syncope occured rapidly]•逐渐出现咳嗽咳痰[gradual onset of cough and sputum]•偶而[occasionally (sporadically, accidentally)]•反复胸闷心悸[recurrent (bouts of) chest discomfort and palpitation]•一过性发作[transitory attack]•一语气胸痛[chest pain continually]•时重时轻[waned and waxed]•时好时坏[hang in the balance]•不停地咳嗽[have a fit of cough]•发作性呼吸不毛[paroxysmal short of breath]•频繁咳嗽[cough frequently (very often)]•持续性(间歇性)[persistent (intermittent)]•频发胸痛[frequent episodes of chest pain]•持续不变[be steady]三、病程中的一般情况▲一般情况尚可(一般、差)[general condition is fair (ordinary, bad)]▲胃纳佳(差)[have a good (poor) appetite]▲过度进食[eat too much (overeat, eat heavily)]▲过少进食[eat poorly (take little food)]▲无食欲[have no appetite]▲食欲减退[appetite decreases]▲口渴[feel thirsty]▲无数饮水[drink water generously]▲体重增多[gain in weight]▲体重增多8公斤[a 8 kilograms weight gain (gain 8 kilograms)]▲体重减轻[loss of weight (weight loss)]▲体重厚实不变[body weight is stable (unchanged, maintained)]▲就寝进军[somnipathy]▲就寝不足[lack (want) of sleep]▲不易入睡[have trouble getting to sleep]▲容易入睡[fall into a sleep very easily]▲就寝过度[hypersomnia]▲睡行症[sleep walking]▲嗜(贪)睡[somnolence (be fond of sleep)]▲夜晚因……而易醒[easily wakened at night because of……]▲失眠[have insomnia]▲就寝差(好)[sleep is poor (good)]▲消化不良[dyspepsia (have bad digestion)]▲大(小)便领悟[stool (urination) is easy and smooth(unobstructed, clear)]▲逐日2次大便[have two stools daily]▲含粘液的水样便[watery stools coutaining mucus]▲便秘(泻肚)[constipation (diarrhea)]▲排尿不毛[difficulty in micturition]▲尿频(急)[frequency(urgency) of micturition]▲尿痛[micturition pain]▲少尿(无尿、多尿)[oliguria (anuria, polyuria)]▲大便失禁[fecal incontinence]▲小便失禁[incontinence of urine]▲精神颓废[lassitude]▲精神病笃(抑郁)[mental stress (depression)]▲精神繁杂[confusion]▲疯疯癫癫[amentia (mental state is bad)]▲精神状态正常[orthophrenia (mental state is good)]▲膂力隆盛(不足,正常)[hypersthenia (hyposthenia, euthesia)四、X线查验[X-ray examination]肺[lung]•clear[泄漏]•enlargement of hilar shadows[肺门暗影增大]•increase of lung markings[肺纹理增粗]•calcified[钙化灶]•cavitation[微辞]•circular lesion (coin lesion)[球形病灶]•a minimal area of density[小块暗影区]•scattered spot(plaque-like) shadows[散在的点(片)状暗影]•a poorly defined patchy density[领域不清的片状暗影]•a round density[圆形详尽影] •pleural thickening[胸膜增厚]•hazziness(blunting, obliteration) of the costophrenic angle[肋隔角莽撞(变钝、消散)]•elevation of diaphragm with limitation of movement[横膈举高、行为受限]•encapsulated pleural effusion[包裹性胸腔积液]•hydropneumothorax[液气胸]•mediastinal displacement[纵膈移位]•hilar haze[肺门莽撞]•increase of pulmonary hilar density[肺门密度增高]•pulmonary venous stasis(infarction)[肺淤血(梗塞)]•shadow[暗影性状]•hazziness[淡的] •clouding[潸潸状] •diffuse[弥散的]•veiling[面纱样] •streaky[线状] •patcky[絮状]•nodular[结节状] •massive[块状] •miliary[粟粒状]•confluent[和会状] •homogeneous[均匀的]受益匪浅,费劲各位!你好!咱们是西部高等医学院校的药理学教师,跟着改良灵通的继续潜入,国度对医学生的要乞降对教师的要求皆继续提高,学校要求教师用双语或英语进行教学,但是咱们苦于一直没能找到合适的讲义及语音贵寓或VCD音像贵寓等(药理学/临床药理学),咱们伏击但愿得到你们的匡助!诚意感谢!8.You need a thorough examination.you need a thorough check up这么用可以吗8.You need a thorough examination.you need a thorough check up这么用可以吗CHIEF COMPLANTThis 45-year-old married mother of one has had upper quadrant pain for one day.这一句有点烦琐,可以改为CHIEF COMPLANT upper quadrant pain for one day.